


- 「寂しく思う」May 20th ーthe 50th day of my stay in Australiaー
- オーストラリア放浪日記50ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
- 性格を表す英語表現ーThe 51st day of my stay in Australiaー
- May22nd「”ache”・痛み」ーThe 52nd day of my stay in Australiaー
- “ache”・「痛み」の英語表現
- May 23rd part1「やる気!」ーThe 53rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「やる気」を表す英語表現
- May 23rd part2「Teaching Japanese」ーThe 53rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- May 24th「突然」ーthe 54th of my stay in Australiaー
- 「突然」を表す英語表現
- May25th part1「韓国の告白」ーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー
- May 25th part2「調味料 in English」ーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 調味料 in Englishー調味料を英語で覚えよう!ー
- ワーホリは準備が命!
- 最後に
「寂しく思う」May 20th ーthe 50th day of my stay in Australiaー

May20th ーthe 50th day of my stay in Australiaー
I was so tired that I couldn't follow today's English lessons. I thought Friday made me tired very tired. My teacher said to us that we would have an exam next Monday. I had to study English this Saturday and Sunday.
One of my Korean friends had the last English class, which meant he left our school today. I will miss him. After school, we took some pictures together.
I went to China Town with my friend. She said she wanted to buy something warm to wear and vegetables for dinner tonight. It turned out that she didn't buy anything, but we enjoyed walking in the Asian shopping area. We had a good time.

*exam 名「試験」examinationの短縮
*one of my friends「1人の友達」 one of + 複数形で使います
*miss 動「寂しく思う」
*area 名「地域、地区」

“I miss you.”は洋楽やJ-popでも良く聞きますね。私も知っている英語表現です。
オーストラリア放浪日記50ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
I will get a little lonely. 「チョット寂しく思う」
I feel lonely living away from my parents. 「両親と離れて過ごすことを寂しく思う」
I miss being back in my hometown. 「故郷に戻れないのを寂しく思う」
I am sad to see you go. 「あなたが去るのを知って寂しく思います。」
I miss having people around me. 「話せる友達がいなくて寂しい」


性格を表す英語表現ーThe 51st day of my stay in Australiaー

May 21st ーThe 51st day of my stay in Australiaー I arrived at Sydney down town, then met one of my friends. We drank beer at Circular Quay. We talked about our personality. For example, I talked about the reason why I am shy in front of many people. She talked about the reason why she is an outgoing person. I thought I had an invisible wall in me. Maybe, it has a door. When I talk with someone, I lock it unconsciously. She recommended me to break the door and be an open-mind person. It was nice talking to her. Next, some of my friends joined us. We made fun of me about having run out of my air in the sea. After while, some people came to the stage with their instruments and started playing popular songs. A lot of people jumped and danced to the rhythm. We had a good time in the bar.
*Circular Quay …オーストラリア・シドニーにある埠頭。
*personality 名「性格、人柄、人格」
*shy 形「内気な、気弱な」
*outgoing 形「社交的な」
*invisible 形「目に見えない」
*lock 動「~にカギをかける」
*unconsciously 副「無意識に」
*recommend 人 to do 「人に~することをすすめる」
*open-minded 「心の広い、偏見のない」
*instrument 名「楽器」
英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 |
kind | 優しい | generous | 気前がいい | stingy | ケチな |
friendly | 親しみやすい | outgoing | 社交的な | active | 行動的な |
frisky | 陽気な | sociable | 社交的な | talkative | 話好きな |
funny | 面白い | responsible | 責任感がある | thoughtful | 思いやりがある |
honest | 誠実な、正直な | easygoing | 気楽な | reliable | 信頼のある |
ambitious | 野心のある | independent | 自立している | polite | 礼儀正しい |
paient | 我慢強い | humble | 謙虚な | positive | 積極的な |
negative | 消極的な | tolerant | 心が広い、寛大な | mild | 温厚な |
smart | 頭がいい | intelligent | 知的な | affectionate | 愛情深い |

She is a happy person. 「彼女は明るい人です」
He has a polite personality. 「彼は礼儀正しい性格の持ち主です。」
May22nd「”ache”・痛み」ーThe 52nd day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活52日目。バーベキュー主催者にもかかわらず、前日の飲みすぎで頭痛が…。今回のテーマは「”ache”・痛み」で学習していきましょう。 acheの使い方はシンプルなので、マスターしやすい英語表現かと思います。 それでは「オーストラリア放浪日記52」を見ていきましょう!
May 22nd ーThe 52nd day of my stay in Australiaー
I had a barbecue party with my friends today, but I had a headache because I drank too much alcohol yesterday. I didn't want to go anywhere even though I was helping to organize the barbecue. My friends bought some meat and vegetables to barbecue, and then we went to the park. I was able to enjoy eating the food somehow.
But, I was kind of nervous because I felt like I spoke Japanese too much. I thought to myself, "Why did I come to Australia?" I was very quiet when we went back to the city. I wondered if I can ever speak English well.
After the barbecue, we went playing the table game of pool. We actually enjoyed the barbecue and playing pool even though I was very anxious about my English.
*headache 名「頭痛」
*alcohol 名「お酒、アルコール飲料」
*anywhere 副「どこでも、どこにも」
*organize 動「~を企画する」…イベントや企画など
*somehow 副「どうにかして、何とかして、どういうわけか」
*kind of 「やや、多少」…断定を避けて表現を和らげる言い方。
*feel like 「~のような気がする」
*I thought to myself 「自分自身で思った」
*wonder if 「~ではないかと思う」
*anxious 形「心配して、気がかりで」
During my stay in Sydney, I made many Japanese friends. They let me talk about my worries and we talked about our dreams in the future, which supported me a lot. However, sometimes I thought to myself, "If I keep speaking Japanese like this, I would not improve my English." I was very anxious.
When I think about it, my head aches. 「それを考えると頭が痛い。」
I have a stomachache. 「お腹が痛い。」

名詞とacheを組み合わせて「~痛」になります。これは覚えておくとお得かと思います。”stomachache” や”headache”は良く使うかと思います。
英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 |
headache | 頭痛 | muscle ache | 筋肉痛 | toothache | 虫歯 |
stomachache | 腹痛 | backache | 腰痛 | joint ache | 関節痛 |
May 23rd part1「やる気!」ーThe 53rd day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活53日目。この日初めてTESOLという教授法があるのを知りました。そしてシドニーでお金をためて、TESOL certificateを取得するという新しい目標ができました。英語力向上にむけてやる気アップ!ということで、今回のテーマは「やる気」を表す英語表現でいきたいと思います!
May 23rd (part1)ーThe 53rd day of my stay in Australiaー
I talked with a new classmate who came from Korea today. He spoke fluent English and he has a kind personality. I made a good friend. I had an examination to go up my English class to level7. I think I was able to do the exam to some extent, but I was sure that I made some mistakes in spelling.
After the classes, I went to the office to use a computer. One of the office workers told me about TESOL. I really became interested to know how to teach English to people who learn English as a second language. I met another Japanese person who wanted to be an English teacher. I consulted with her about my situation where there were many Japanese people who don't speak English around me. In her case, she wanted to go to the countryside to talk to Aussie. She also told me that she was going to get TESOL certificate. I was motivated to hear that.
*fluent 形「流暢な」
*personality 名「性格、人柄、人格」
*to some extent 「ある程度」
*make a mistake in~ 「~の(で)間違いをする」
*TESOL … teaching of English to speakers of other language の略語。
*second language 「第2言語」
*consult with 「~に相談する」
*situation 名「状況」
*in my case 「私の場合」
*countryside 名「田舎、地方」
*certificate 名 「証明書、修了書」
*motivate 動「やる気にさせる、刺激する」
I got motivated to improve my English when I heard about TESOL. This was exactly what I wanted to learn. I decided to make money to learn about it. 「TESOLについて聞いて英語のやる気が上がりました。TESOLは間違いなく自分が学びたいことでした。」

get motivated toで「~する気になる」が代表的ですが、まだまだたくさん「やる気」を表す英語表現があります!続きを見ていきましょう!
I'm motivated. 「やる気が出る」 *be motivated 「やる気が出る」
He is always full of motivation. 「彼はいつもやる気いっぱいだ」*motivation 名「やる気、意欲」
He has a can-do attitude. 「彼にはやる気の態度がある」
I get motivated to cook. 「料理する意欲がわく」
My teacher gets us motivated to study. 「私の先生は私たちを勉強する気にする」
May 23rd part2「Teaching Japanese」ーThe 53rd day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活53日目。この日は頼まれごとがありました。それは「韓国人の友達2人に日本語を教えてほしい」という依頼でした。彼女らの話したい議題について日本語で会話しながら、語彙や文法を指摘して、日本語を向上させる狙いがありました。第2言語習得を目指す私にとって、彼女らの頑張りはとても刺激的でした。今回のテーマは「Teaching Japanese」でいきたいと思います。
May 23rdーThe 53rd of my stay in Australiaー
My friend and I went back to school to help two Korean friends who study Japanese. We talked with them in Japanese for ten minutes for each. We talked about cosmetic surgery and a marriage. In the ten minutes, I pointed out her mistakes in Japanese grammar and expressions. Of course, they made some mistakes, but they spoke it very fluently. I got motivated to practice English. We also had a free conversation about how and when to use Kanakana and Hiragana. It was very hard for me to explain the difference between the two languages, but I found it interesting to learn about the mother language for people who study Japanese. At the end of the time, we got some chocolates from them as a token of their thanks.
*cosmetic 形「美容のための、美顔用の、表面的な」
*surgery 名「手術、外科手術」
*marriage 名「結婚」
*point out 「〜を指摘する」
*mother language 「母語、第1言語」
*as a token of their thanks 「彼ら彼女らの感謝の印として」
I left it difficult for me to teach Japanese, especially the difference between Hiragana and Katakana. One of the reasons was that I don't care about Japanese grammar when I speak Japanese. But it was fun to teach Japanese to my friends.

May 24th「突然」ーthe 54th of my stay in Australiaー

May 24thーthe 54th day of my stay in Australiaー
My stage of Callan Method became 7 today. I couldn't catch up with one of the English lessons because my teacher spoke English very fast. My brane stopped thinking about anything. I needed a good sleep and wanted to try the next English lesson.
After the lesson, I went to China town with my friends, but we had a bad day. Once we got off the train, it started raining all of a sudden. We had to walk in rain. In addition, the market we wanted to go was closed today, so we did nothing after all. We had a really bad day.
*catch up with~「~に遅れずについていく」
*one of + 複数形「~の1つ」
*stop ~ing「~するのをやめる」
*get off~「~を降りる」
*start ~ing「~し始める」
*all of a sudden 「突然」
*walk in rain 「雨の中を歩く」
My English teacher told me to go to the stage 7 all at once. 「英語の先生が突然私にステージ7に行くように言いました。」
My English teacher told me out of the blue that my stage of Callan Method became stage 7. 「英語の先生が突然メソッドのステージが7になったと言いました。」

「思いがけない・突然」に色を使うのが英語的で面白いですね。ちなみに”the blue”は空のことを指しています。また”out of the blue”は副詞として使います。

上記の”out of the blue”も含めて、例えば以下のような英語表現「突然」があります。
*all at one *all of a heap *in a clap *out of a clear sky *out of the blue *on a sudden *abruptly *suddenly
I was struck all of a heap. 「ぶっ倒れんばかりに驚いた。」
The car turned abruptly. 「その車は突然曲がった。」

「突然」とは関係ありませんが、”heap”という単語は”heaps of~”「たくさんの~」としてオーストラリア英語ではよく使われます。
May25th part1「韓国の告白」ーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー

May 25th ーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー
I wanted to be at school by 9:00, but today, I arrived at school at 10:00. When I was going to study English as usual, some of my friends asked questions about English grammar. After I taught English grammar to them, we had lunch together. Between classes, one of my Korean friends came to consult me about writing a love letter and how to confess his feeling. He wrote an English love letter, and I translated it into Japanese. His expressions sounded exaggerated to Japanese people, so I asked. "Is it natural for Korean people?" and he said, "It is natural when we say we love someone."
*as usual 「いつものように」
*between classes 「授業の合間に、休み時間に」
*consult 人 about~「人に~について相談する」
*confess 動「~を告白する、打ち明ける」
*translate A into B 「AをBに翻訳する」
*exaggerate 動「(~を)誇張して言う、大げさに言う」
We often categorize Japanese people into four types. These are "passive men and women" and "proactive men and women." It is like a difference in animals between plant-eating animals and meat-eating animals. For example, you can see a famous Japanese TV drama named "train man." The main character is a typical passive man. However, he falls in love with a woman. It is a heartwarming story I watched when I was a high school student. 「日本人はよく4つのタイプに分類されます。草食系男子・女子、肉食系男子・女子です。これは動物の草食系と肉食系の違いのようです。電車男という有名な日本のドラマを見れます。主人公は典型的な草食系男子です。彼はひとりの女性に恋に落ちます。これは私が高校生の頃に見た心温まる物語です。」
*categorize ~into・・・「~を・・・に分類する」
*plant-eating 「草食の」
*meat-eating 「肉食の」
*typical 「典型的な」
*fall in love 「恋に落ちる」
*heartwarming 「心温まる」
May 25th part2「調味料 in English」ーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活55日目。この日の放課後は、友達と食料雑貨用品を探しに行きました。そこで知る友達の料理の腕前。料理のお供に美味しそうな調味料を、アドバイスをもらいながらたくさん買いました。そこで今回のテーマは「調味料 in English」でいきましょう!
May 25thーThe 55th day of my stay in Australiaー
After the third lesson, I went to the grocery store with one of my friends. She talked about how she was doing lately, and I knew she was good at cooking for the first time. She recommended what to use as seasoning products when I cook. Actually, I had no flavoring materials in my kitchen, so I accepted all her advice. I bought broth, chilli sauce, a bottle of sesame oil, etc. Thanks to her, I was able to cook a delicious supper tonight.
*grocery 名「食料雑貨店」
*seasoning product 名「調味料」
*flavoring material 名「調味料」
*accept 動「〜を受け入れる」
*broth 名「だし汁、スープ」
*supper 名「夕食、夜食」
She also told me to buy flour to make okonomiyaki. It is one of my favorite of all time. I didn't expect that I would be able to make one while staying in Australia. My days in Australia will be enriched by the presence of okonomiyaki. 「お好み焼きを作るために、彼女は私に小麦粉も買うように言いました。それはいつでも私の1番のお気に入りのひとつです。オーストラリアにいる間、お好み焼きが作れると思っていませんでした。お好み焼きの存在がオーストラリア滞在の日々が充実しそうです」
*expect 動「予期する・期待する」
*be enriched by the presence of~「~の存在によって充実する」
調味料 in Englishー調味料を英語で覚えよう!ー
「調味料」は英語で、塩、コショウ、酢、ケチャップを指すcondiment(s)やflavoring material(s)、seasoning productなどです。様々ありますので、表にしてみました。
日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 |
塩コショウ | salt and pepper | 醤油 | soy sauce | ソース | sauce |
酢 | vinegar | ケチャップ | ketchup | みそ | bean paste, miso |
砂糖 | suger | だし | soup | ごま油 | sesame oil |
スパイス | spice | みりん | sweet cooking rice wine | わさび | green horseradish paste, wasabi |
マヨネーズ | mayonnaise | ラー油 | chili oil, hot sesame oil | からし | mustard |
バター | butter | マーガリン | margarine | ジャム | jam |
バジル | basil | 片栗粉 | starch | 小麦粉 | flour |



