


- 嬉しい・感動したーThe 8th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 和製英語ーThe 9th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 【その英語通じない!?】和製英語を脱却せよー英語上級者への道のりー
- The 10th day of my stay in Australia
- シャドーイングーThe 11th day of my stay in Australiaー
- なんとか・・・ーThe 12th day of my stay in Australiaー
- ワーホリ中の日本人との距離感ーThe 13th day of my stay in Australiaー
- ワーキングホリデー中に日本人と接するメリット3選
- 文法ーThe 14th day of my stay in Australiaー
- ワーホリは準備が命!
- 合わせて読みたい英語力向上記事
- 最後に
嬉しい・感動したーThe 8th day of my stay in Australiaー


April 8thーThe 8th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to the city and looked for something unique. I wanted to buy birthday presents for myself. I wanted to buy something that I could get only in Australia.
My host family celebrated my birthday. It was like a dream. My host family took me to a restaurant for lunch. We saw the beautiful sea from the outside tables. I didn't know how to thank them. Their present for me became my treasure. I was really impressed that my host family gave me a birthday present. I almost jumped for joy. I will never forget how I spent this day forever.
*look for〜動「〜を探す」*something+形容詞「〜な何か」*for myself「自分用に、自分のために」*celebrate 動「〜を祝う」*I will never forget〜「〜を決して忘れない」


- I am glad.
- I am delighted.
- I am pleased.
- I am impressed.
- I jumped for joy.
- l laughed with delight.

和製英語ーThe 9th day of my stay in Australiaー

April 9thーThe 9th day of my stay in Australiaー
K and I went to the Customs House Library. We made our member's card. Now we can borrow books and DVDs from the library. I'll watch some DVDs tomorrow. After that, I had dinner with my Vietnamese friend. I was able to talk with her for an hour in English. My English skills had been improving little by little.
”member’s card”
メンバーズカードを作る時にも、確か”Excuse me, I would like to make a member’s card.”と受け付けに伝えた記憶があります。意味を汲み取り、快く手続きを開始してくれた受付の方の優しさを感じます。
Excuse me, I would like to make a membership card. 「すいません、メンバーズカードを作りたいのですが。」
メンバーズカードは英語で”membership card”と言います。



The 10th day of my stay in Australia
April 10th ーThe 10th day of my stay in Australiaー Mrs Browyn and I walked Building The Bay Bikeway talking about many things. It was a perfect day to walk outside. I learned how to say, "This angle is steep." and "This angle is hard to walk." Talking with them is good for me. When we were walking, we saw heaps of birds in the sky. That was awesome. I was happy to see some Aussie birds today. It rained in the afternoon today, so I watched a DVD and studied English at home.
*a perfect day to do「〜するには完璧な日」…ウキウキしている時にめっちゃ使えます。*how to say〜「〜の言い方」…国際交流初段で必須の英語表現。いろんな言語を学ぶきっかけとなります。*angle 名「角度」*steep 形「急な」
よく使う語彙トップ10 | 意味 | 参考 |
lovely | 素敵な、素晴らしい、良い | 返事で使えます。 “Here’s 5 dollers change.” “lovely.” |
awesome | すごい | おぉ!って思った時、大体この単語で全部いけます。ネイティブの使用頻度高めです。 |
Aussie | オーストラリアの、オーストラリア人 | Australianと言わず、Aussieの方を使います。 |
weird | 超不自然な、風変わりな | ん?って思った時、大体この単語で全部いけます。 |
cool | かっこいい、いけてる、素晴らしい | goodやOKではなく、coolというとネイティブな感じがします。 |
No worries. | 気にしないで | “Thank you.”や”Sorry.”の返事など、様々に使えます。 |
cheers | ありがとう | オーストラリアはケッコーこれです。 |
Catch you later. | また後で | オーストラリアはケッコーこれです。 |
Good on ya | よかったね | Good on you.を少し短く発音する表現。Well doneと同じ感じ。 |
heaps of | たくさんの | a lot ofと同じ。 |
シャドーイングーThe 11th day of my stay in Australiaー
April 11th ーThe 11th day of my stay in Australiaー
I attended three lessons in Australia for the first time. My teachers speak English quickly. When the teacher points at me, I must mimic what the teacher says, and then the teacher corrects my pronunciation. I listened to and spoke a lot of English words and sentences. I felt like I was taking a shower of English. I made friends with M, T and R. They were so friendly that I talked with them a lot. After the lessons, we talked about French culture, our school and new students tonight. My Vietnamese friend and I did the dishes as usual.
*attend 動「〜に参加する」*point at 動「〜を指さす」*mimic 動「〜を真似する」*correct 動「〜を正しく直す、訂正する、正す」*as usual 副「いつも通り」
TEDを使って英語の練習をするメリットを4つ紹介します。1つ目は、自分の興味のある分野で英語を練習できることです。これが1番最強です。教育・心理学・科学技術、その他様々なジャンルのプレゼンがあるので、好きなジャンルから選び、英語の練習ができます。そのジャンルの学びを得られるというのが最大の利点です。2つ目は、字幕機能があることです。語彙力を増やそうと思うと字幕機能は必須です。上の動画から、”tangible (触れられる)”と”intangible(触れることのできない、不可視な)”を覚えました。3つ目は動画の時間です。自分にあった丁度いい長さの動画を5分から20分くらいから選べます。4つ目はスマホとイヤホンがあれば練習場所を問わないことです。いつでもどこでも英語の練習ができます。

なんとか・・・ーThe 12th day of my stay in Australiaー
April 12thーThe 12th day of my stay in Australiaー Today was better than yesterday because I managed to follow my class. I made friends with some Korean people who are so friendly. I enjoyed taking part in the classes today. A Brazilian teacher became one of our new teachers. His name is Gustavo. He speaks English well, but he is a little shy.

この”manage to”はとても便利です。上記以外にも幅がききます。例えば、
- I managed to arrive at the station just in time. 「なんとか時間通りに駅に着いた。」
- We managed to catch the last train. 「なんとか終電に間に合った。」
- My sister managed to get a concert ticket for Ariana Grande. 「私の妹はなんとかアリアナグランデのコンサートチケットを手に入れた」
- We managed to survive. 「なんとか生き延びた」
このように様々な場面で使えそうなフレーズです。是非ともmanage to「なんとか〜する」を覚えておきましょう。
ワーホリ中の日本人との距離感ーThe 13th day of my stay in Australiaー

April 13thーThe 13th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to school and took part in English lessons. Although my teachers speak English very quickly, I'm getting used to listening to their English.
After the classes, One man talked to me all of a sudden in a Starbucks. He invited me to the football game to watch, and I said "Yes, let's." We went to Sydney Football Stadium together. I made friends with some Japanese people. It was enjoyable, but I regretted that I had spoken a lot of Japanese in the office. I hope I will use English more tomorrow.
I was excited to watch a football game. Once one of the players of Kashima got a goal, I went like "Woooo!!!". The match was between Sydney FC and Kashima Antlers. Kashima Antlers won the game by a score of 3-0.
*take part in〜「〜に参加する」*get used to~ing「〜することに慣れる」 *enjoyable「楽しめる、楽しい」*regret「(〜を)後悔する」*win by a score of ◯-△「◯対△で勝つ」
文法ーThe 14th day of my stay in Australiaー
April 14th ーThe 14th day of my stay in Australiaー
I called a hospital and booked a diving medical. After that, I attended three English classes in college. I learned the word "verb." It is a word or group of words that describes an action, experience, or state, such as ‘come’, ‘see’, and ‘put on’ from LONGMAN dictionary. The word "verb" is hard to pronounce for me.My English teacher told me how to pronounce the word. I found it difficult to pronounce it. I have to practice it more.
Ms Ellens and I talked until 11:00 PM. at night. I had a good time.
*medical 名「診察、医療行為」*attend 動「〜に参加する」*verb 名「動詞」*pronounce 動「発音する」
名詞 | noun | 助動詞 | auxiliary | 冠詞 | article | 代名詞 | pronoun |
形容詞 | adjective | 進行形 | progressive | 前置詞 | preposition | 疑問詞 | interrogative |
副詞 | adverb | 不定詞 | infinitive | 現在形 | present form | 主語 | subject |
他動詞 | transitive verb | 受動態 | passive | 接続詞 | conjunction | 目的後 | object |
自動詞 | intransitive verb | 現在完了 | present perfect | 関係代名詞 | relative pronoun | 動名詞 | gerund |
過去形 | past form | 比較級 | comparative | 複数形 | plural | 可算名詞 | countable noun |
過去分詞 | past participle | 最上級 | superlative | 単数形 | singular | 不可算名詞 | uncountable noun |


いかがだったでしょうか。今回の記事では、「役立つ英語表現」「シャドーイング」「和製英語」について理解は深まったでしょうか。英語を話せるように練習する過程で、「英語が通じない」という経験は避けて通れません。通じない原因は様々です。発音、文法、そしてこの「和製英語」も厄介です。ネイティブスピーカー・英語圏の人に”What did you say?”と聞き返されることもしばしばあります。