【ワーホリ経験者が語る】オーストラリア放浪日記15「海外の人たちと仲良くなる方法」The 15th week of my stay in Australia





July 5th ー 95th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 5th ー 95th day of my stay in Australiaー
I was the only student in my classroom. In the third class, I discussed improving human beings with a teacher. Fortunately, he was very interested in my opinion and took notes while listening to what I was saying. We are going to talk about having a dream tomorrow. It can be a good topic because I guess many Japanese people don't have dreams.
I enjoyed relaxing and watching TV after school. I felt so good because I didn't have to go to my part-time job today. I've got to know my two sharemates. One of them is the owner's younger brother, Kim. He speaks English very well and is a kind person. I want him to be my English teacher.


Discuss/dɪˈskʌs/議論する動詞Debated, Talked aboutI discussed improving human beings with a teacher.
Improving/ɪmˈpruːvɪŋ/改善する動詞Enhancing, BetteringWe discussed improving human beings.
Fortunately/ˈfɔːrtʃənətli/幸運にも副詞Luckily, ProvidentiallyFortunately, he was very interested in my opinion.
Opinion/əˈpɪnjən/意見名詞View, BeliefHe was very interested in my opinion.
Notes/noʊts/メモ名詞Annotations, JottingsHe took notes while listening to what I was saying.
Dream/driːm/名詞Ambition, AspirationMany Japanese people don’t have dreams.
Relaxing/rɪˈlæksɪŋ/リラックスする動詞Unwinding, RestingI enjoyed relaxing and watching TV after school.
Part-time job/pɑːrt taɪm ʤɑːb/アルバイト名詞Temporary job, Side jobI didn’t have to go to my part-time job today.
Kind/kaɪnd/親切な形容詞Considerate, FriendlyHe is a kind person.
Teacher/ˈtiːtʃər/先生名詞Instructor, EducatorI want him to be my teacher.


July 6th ー 96th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 6th ー 96th day of my stay in Australiaー
I woke up at 6:50 and went to a gym in my shared house with my friend. It was so good for me because I had never exercised since I came to Australia. I gained weight because of my lack of exercise. I ran two kilometres this morning, and then I took a shower. It made me feel so nice.
I wasn't the only student today, so I could relax when I took classes. In the third lesson, we discussed having dreams and making good relationships.
Before taking classes, I talked with my friend and her boyfriend about what we wanted to do in the future. I think she is steady because she knows what she wants to do herself, and she can judge. I respect her.


Gym/dʒɪm/ジム名詞Fitness center, Exercise facilityI went to a gym in my shared house with my friend.
Exercise/ˈeksərsaɪz/運動する動詞/名詞Workout, Physical activityIt was good for me because I had never exercised since I came to Australia.
Gained/ɡeɪnd/増える動詞Increased, Put on (weight)I gained weight because of my lack of exercise.
Relationships/rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪps/人間関係名詞Connections, AssociationsWe discussed having dreams and making good relationships.
Steady/ˈstɛdi/安定した形容詞Reliable, DependableI think she is steady because she knows what she wants to do.
Respect/rɪˈspɛkt/尊敬する動詞/名詞Admire, EsteemI respect her.
Lack/læk/欠如名詞/動詞Absence, ShortageI gained weight because of my lack of exercise.
Judge/dʒʌdʒ/判断する動詞Evaluate, AssessShe knows what she wants to do herself, and she can judge.
Future/ˈfjuːtʃər/将来名詞Prospect, ForthcomingWe talked about what we wanted to do in the future.
Relax/rɪˈlæks/リラックスする動詞Unwind, Loosen upI could relax when I took classes.

海外の人たちと仲良くなる方法ーTo get along with peopleー

To get along with people 
There are a lot of ways to get along with people. I think the essence is to get interested to know someone who we want to get along with. For example, I often ask some questions to my friends, "How do you say thank you in your country?""How did you learn how to speak English?" and so on. They always answer those questions in a smiling face. Then they usually ask me those questions back. Our conversation usually consists of those questions.
I recon it will make our friendships deeper and stronger. Not only the situation where I'm in a countries all over the world, but also in Japan happens. In conclusion, what I want to say at the end is that it is important to try to know each other.


July 7th ー 97th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 7th ー 97th day of my stay in Australiaー
I slept almost all the time except at school and in restaurants. I was tired today, so I had nothing fun to write down.
After working, I played cards with Kim and Ken in the living room. They take the trouble to make coins from some containers of eggs. A winner could get the coins. Kane is a good English speaker through playing cards. We spent two hours playing cards I went to bed at 3:30 AM.


Except/ɪkˈsɛpt/~を除いて前置詞Excluding, Apart fromI slept almost all the time except at school and in restaurants.
Trouble/ˈtrʌbl/困難名詞/動詞Difficulty, EffortThey take the trouble to make coins from some containers of eggs.
Containers/kənˈteɪnərz/容器名詞Receptacles, HoldersThey take the trouble to make coins from some containers of eggs.
Winner/ˈwɪnər/勝者名詞Victor, ChampionA winner could get the coins.
Speaker/ˈspiːkər/話し手名詞Orator, CommunicatorKane is a good English speaker through playing cards.
Except/ɪkˈsɛpt/~を除いて前置詞Excluding, Apart fromI slept almost all the time except at school and in restaurants.
Spend/spɛnd/過ごす動詞Use, ConsumeWe spent two hours playing cards.
Tired/ˈtaɪərd/疲れた形容詞Exhausted, FatiguedI was tired today, so I had nothing fun to write down.
Fun/fʌn/楽しみ名詞Enjoyment, AmusementI had nothing fun to write down.
Bed/bɛd/ベッド名詞Couch, MattressI went to bed at 3:30 AM.


July 8th ー 98th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 8th ー 98th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to school at 9:30 and I talked to my close friend there after a long time. He was worried about his life recently, so it seemed to me that he didn't feel better yet. But I was glad to talk to him, and I enjoyed using his iPad.
I hoped it rained this evening because I had to go to my part time job. Even though it was Friday, it was easy to work. We don't have a lot of customers. Surprisingly, one of my best friends, Gyotech, and his friends came to my restaurant. I was happy to see him. In addition, his friends from Japan were so beautiful and nice. They treated me to beer and shoju. We talked about the reason to be Australia, mistake about alcohol and so on, I really enjoyed talking with them.
Worried/ˈwɜːrid/心配している形容詞Anxious, ConcernedHe was worried about his life recently.
Seemed/siːmd/~のように見えた動詞Appeared, LookedIt seemed to me that he didn’t feel better yet.
Enjoyed/ɪnˈdʒɔɪd/楽しんだ動詞Relished, SavoredI enjoyed using his iPad.
Hoped/hoʊpt/望んだ動詞Wished, DesiredI hoped it rained this evening.
Surprisingly/sərˈpraɪzɪŋli/驚くほど副詞Astonishingly, UnexpectedlySurprisingly, one of my best friends came to my restaurant.
Treated/ˈtriːtɪd/ご馳走した動詞Entertained, HostedThey treated me to beer and shoju.
Beautiful/ˈbjuːtɪfl/美しい形容詞Attractive, GorgeousHis friends from Japan were so beautiful and nice.
Discussed/dɪˈskʌst/議論した動詞Talked about, DebatedWe talked about the reason to be in Australia.
Mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/間違い名詞Error, BlunderWe talked about mistakes about alcohol.
Recently/ˈriːsəntli/最近副詞Lately, LatelyHe was worried about his life recently.

July 9th ー 99th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 9th ー 99th day of my stay in Australiaー
I could sleep very much. I slept for a long time except at lunchtime, so I felt better than yesterday while I worked at a restaurant. Finally, I didn't make any mistakes.
After work, I talked to my friend at home. We complained about the key system. Through the conversation, I realized that I needed much more private time. I had to go to school and work five times a week, so I had no time to play with my friends or be alone.
I had the owner of my restaurant's birthday party at 1:00 AM. I wanted to go to bed, and I was a little nervous because the workers there were frightened when they worked, so I couldn't enjoy being there. Though I didn't feel good then, I heard a funny story. We are always busy in commerce, so we must speak loudly when we pass customers’ orders to our kitchen workers. One day, we had a lot of customers, and I was very upset because I didn't know what to do, and they were filled with people. When a customer goes to the restroom, I say loudly that the customer is going to the toilet.


Private/ˈpraɪvət/私的な、個人的な形容詞Personal, ConfidentialI realized that I needed much more private time.
Nervous/ˈnɜrvəs/緊張した、不安な形容詞Anxious, TenseI was a little nervous because the workers were frightened.
Frightened/ˈfraɪtənd/怯えた、怖がった形容詞Afraid, TerrifiedThe workers there were frightened when they worked.
Commerce/ˈkɑːmɜːrs/商業、取引名詞Trade, BusinessWe are always busy in commerce.
Upset/ˌʌpˈsɛt/動揺している、混乱している形容詞Disturbed, TroubledI was very upset because I didn’t know what to do.
Realize/ˈriːəˌlaɪz/気づく、認識する動詞Understand, RecognizeI realized that I needed much more private time.
Complain/kəmˈpleɪn/不平を言う動詞Grumble, ProtestWe complained about the key system.
Lunchtime/ˈlʌnʧˌtaɪm/昼食時間名詞Midday meal, NoonI slept for a long time except at lunchtime.
Birthday/ˈbɜːrθˌdeɪ/誕生日名詞Anniversary, BirthdateI had the owner of my restaurant’s birthday party.
Restroom/ˈrɛstˌruːm/トイレ名詞Toilet, LavatoryI say loudly that the customer is going to the restroom.

July 10th ー 100th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 10th ー 100th day of my stay in Australiaー
I came home at 8:00 AM yesterday. After three hours of sleep, I went shopping in Chinatown with my friend. I was surprised and happy that she tried to speak English to me. She never tried to do that two months ago. That's why I was glad. It will be the last time I can date her in Australia because she will return to Japan next week. She bought a lot of souvenirs today. Surprisingly, she was able to give me a shop assistant discount. I want her to improve their English.


Souvenir/ˌsuːvəˈnɪər/お土産名詞Keepsake, MementoShe bought a lot of souvenirs today.
Surprisingly/sərˈpraɪzɪŋli/驚くほど副詞Amazingly, UnexpectedlySurprisingly, she was able to give me a shop assistant discount.
Discount/ˈdɪskaʊnt/割引名詞Reduction, RebateShe was able to give me a shop assistant discount.
Improve/ɪmˈpruːv/改善する動詞Enhance, BetterI want her to improve her English.
Return/rɪˈtɜːrn/戻る動詞Come back, Go backShe will return to Japan next week.
Date/deɪt/デートする動詞Go out with, SeeIt will be the last time I can date her in Australia.
Shopping/ˈʃɒpɪŋ/買い物名詞Purchasing, BuyingI went shopping in Chinatown with my friend.
Surprised/sərˈpraɪzd/驚いた形容詞Astonished, AmazedI was surprised and happy that she tried to speak English to me.
Tried/traɪd/試した動詞Attempted, EndeavoredShe tried to speak English to me.
Friend/frɛnd/友人名詞Companion, PalI went shopping in Chinatown with my friend.

July 11th ー 101th day of my stay in Australiaー



July 11th ー 101th day of my stay in Australiaー
I got to my school and studied English at 10:30. I had to take a lesson in the smallest room today, but it was very good for me because I had no time to yawn. In the third lesson, we talked about love, especially jealous people. My friend has a boyfriend, who is so much jealous spirit she said that she doesn't have any friends in Australia because of his jealousness. I can extremely understand her because I have the same experience in Japan, I feel sorry for her.
In a Japanese restaurant, I could be a good coworker today. I didn't make any mistakes. I'm going to work alone first an hour and half next time. A new worker is a hard worker. She always tried to remember our menu even when she eats dinner after working. I din't want to believe she is already a better coworker than I, so I have to try my best.


Jealous/ˈdʒɛləs/嫉妬深い形容詞Envious, CovetousMy friend has a boyfriend who is very jealous.
Experience/ɪkˈspɪriəns/経験名詞Knowledge, ExposureI have the same experience in Japan.
Coworker/ˌkoʊˈwɜːrkər/同僚名詞Colleague, TeammateI could be a good coworker today.
Remember/rɪˈmɛmbər/覚える動詞Recall, RetainShe always tried to remember our menu.
Alone/əˈloʊn/一人で副詞Solo, Single-handedI’m going to work alone for the first hour and a half next time.
Yawn/jɔn/あくびをする動詞Gape, Breathe inI had no time to yawn.
Understand/ˌʌndərˈstænd/理解する動詞Comprehend, GraspI can extremely understand her.
Mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/ミス名詞Error, BlunderI didn’t make any mistakes today.
Smallest/ˈsmɔːləst/一番小さい形容詞Tiniest, LittlestI had to take a lesson in the smallest room today.
Jealousy/ˈdʒɛləsi/嫉妬名詞Envy, ResentmentWe talked about love, especially jealousy.



