【ワーホリ経験者が語る】オーストラリア放浪日記13「シェアルーム生活の悲劇」The 13th week of my stay in Australia



June 21stーThe 82nd day of my stay in Australiaー


June 21stーThe 82nd day of my stay in Australiaー
It was a very busy day, even though it was Tuesday. I made several mistakes in my restaurant. I think some customers sometimes have bad manners, but I don't think I have the proper judgment about what I should do now and next. I have no time to feel down in the dumps.
I went to lessons, and I was surprised that all the students there could speak English much better than I could. I was also surprised at the number of beautiful Korean girls there. I want to go to the school. this school has a foundation course to improve my English, so I am interested in going to Greenwich English College even though I've already passed an exam in the International House Sydeny.


Judgment/ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/判断名詞Assessment, DecisionI don’t think I have the proper judgment about what I should do now and next.
Proper/ˈprɑːpər/適切な形容詞Appropriate, CorrectI don’t think I have the proper judgment about what I should do now and next.
Dumps/dʌmps/落ち込んで名詞Depression, FunkI have no time to feel down in the dumps.
Foundation/faʊnˈdeɪʃən/基礎名詞Basis, GroundworkThis school has a foundation course to improve my English.
Improve/ɪmˈpruːv/改善する動詞Enhance, UpgradeThis school has a foundation course to improve my English.
Surprised/səˈpraɪzd/驚いた形容詞Astonished, AmazedI was surprised that all the students there could speak English much better than I could.
Interested/ˈɪntrəstɪd/興味がある形容詞Curious, IntriguedI am interested in going to Greenwich.
Already/ɔːlˈrɛdi/既に副詞Previously, PreviouslyEven though I’ve already passed an exam in the International House.
Mistakes/mɪˈsteɪks/間違い名詞Errors, BlundersI made several mistakes in my restaurant.
Manners/ˈmænərz/マナー名詞Etiquette, BehaviorSome customers sometimes have bad manners.


June 22ndーThe 83rd day of my stay in Australiaー

June 22ndーThe 83rd day of my stay in Australiaー
I enjoyed taking classes today, especially the third class. We asked questions with words we had already studied and played again. We guessed whether the sentence we made was true or false. My sentence was that this watch was less than $10, and I could cheat everyone after school.
I worked in a Japanese restaurant and was thinking a lot of things today, so I felt my brain was about to burst. My man God said, remember quickly, I always try to have a smile on my face while working. The worker in the kitchen said to me I like your idea that you want to keep smiling, but some people like it, and others don't. You should pay attention to the others. It will not be suitable for you to keep smiling; for example, I don't know what to do in a severe situation.


Enjoyed/ɪnˈdʒɔɪd/楽しんだ動詞Delighted, RelishedI enjoyed taking classes today, especially the third class.
Especially/ɪˈspɛʃəli/特に副詞Particularly, SpecificallyI enjoyed taking classes today, especially the third class.
Sentence/ˈsɛntəns/名詞Phrase, StatementMy sentence was that this watch was less than $10.
Guess/ɡɛs/推測する動詞Estimate, SpeculateWe guessed whether the sentence we made was true or false.
Restaurant/ˈrɛstəˌrɒnt/レストラン名詞Eatery, CafeI worked in a Japanese restaurant and was thinking a lot of things today.
Burst/bɜrst/破裂する動詞Explode, PopI felt my brain was about to burst.
Suitable/ˈsuːtəbl/適切な形容詞Appropriate, ProperIt will not be suitable for you to keep smiling.
Severe/sɪˈvɪər/厳しい形容詞Intense, HarshI don’t know what to do in a severe situation.
Smile/smaɪl/笑顔名詞動詞Grin, BeamMy main God said, remember quickly, I always try to have a smile on my face while working.
Attention/əˈtɛnʃən/注意名詞Focus, ConcentrationYou should pay attention to others.

June 23rdーThe 84th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活84日目。Green Which Collegeという学校でTOEICの勉強がしたい!と思い、入学試験を受けてみましたが…。

June 23rdーThe 84th day of my stay in Australiaー
I had an exam in Greenwich English College after school, but it was too hard to get high marks. there were a lot of foreigners there. It made me feel that I wanted to enter the school, but listening, reading and writing tests were so challenging. I recognized that I needed to improve my English in Jet English College after the test. I went to a Japanese restaurant to dine with Chinese friends who I made friends with them while I was working there though they spoke Chinese almost all of the time and I enjoy talking to them eating dinner and drinking sake, in addition, I didn't need to pay at all what a lovely day it was.


Exam/ɪɡˈzæm/試験名詞Test, ExaminationI had an exam in Greenwich College after school.
Challenging/ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/難しい形容詞Difficult, DemandingListening, reading, and writing tests were so challenging.
Improve/ɪmˈpruːv/改善する動詞Enhance, UpgradeI needed to improve my English at Jet English College.
Restaurant/ˈrɛstərɒnt/レストラン名詞Eatery, CafeAfter the test, I went to a Japanese restaurant.
Foreigner/ˈfɔːrɪnər/外国人名詞Outsider, AlienThere were a lot of foreigners there.
Lovely/ˈlʌvli/素敵な形容詞Charming, DelightfulWhat a lovely day it was.
Friendship/ˈfrɛndʃɪp/友情名詞Companionship, CamaraderieI made friends with them while I was working there.
Conversation/ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn/会話名詞Discussion, DialogueI enjoy talking to them, eating dinner, and drinking sake.
Payment/ˈpeɪmənt/支払い名詞Remittance, SettlementIn addition, I didn’t need to pay at all.
Drinking/ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ/飲むこと名詞Imbibing, QuaffingI enjoy talking to them, eating dinner, and drinking sake.

June 24thーThe 85th day of my stay in Australiaー


オーストラリア生活85日目。先日Green Which Collegeで受けたテストの結果が返ってきましたが…。自分の英語力をもっと向上させる決意が固まりました。

June 24thーThe 85th day of my stay in Australiaー
I've got the exam result, and he said that I need to take general English courses before the foundation course and TESOL course. I had to spend 20 weeks taking all the lessons, so I had no choice except to enter International House Sydney. I wasn't shocked that I couldn't pass it because I didn't want to have confidence in my English yet. Still, I got confused about why I could pass the test at International House Sydeny even though I couldn't pass the Greenwich. I'm afraid if I can follow the lessons and improve my English there after school, I worked at a Japanese restaurant I expected it would be busy because of Friday. Still, it wasn't so busy that I could practise making many drinks.


Result/rɪˈzʌlt/結果名詞Outcome, ConclusionI’ve got the exam result, and he said that I need to take general English courses.
General/ˈdʒɛnərəl/一般の形容詞Universal, CommonStill, I got confused about why I could pass the test at International House College even though I couldn’t pass the exam at Greenwich.
Foundation/faʊnˈdeɪʃən/基礎名詞Basis, GroundworkI need to take general English courses before the foundation course and TESOL course.
Confused/kənˈfjuːzd/混乱した形容詞Baffled, PerplexedStill, I got confused about why I could pass the test at International House College even though I couldn’t pass the exam at Greenwhich.
Expect/ɪkˈspɛkt/期待する動詞Anticipate, AwaitI expected it would be busy because of Friday.
Practise/ˈpræktɪs/練習する動詞Train, DrillIt wasn’t so busy that I could practice making many drinks.
Confidence/ˈkɒnfɪdəns/自信名詞Self-assurance, CertaintyI didn’t want to have confidence in my English yet.
Lesson/ˈlɛsn/レッスン名詞Class, InstructionI’m afraid if I can follow the lessons and improve my English there after school.
Busy/ˈbɪzi/忙しい形容詞Hectic, ActiveI expected it would be busy because of Friday.
Choice/tʃɔɪs/選択名詞Option, AlternativeI had no choice except to enter International House College.

June 25thーThe 86th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 25thーThe 86th day of my stay in Australiaー
I woke up at 1:00 PM this morning. Korean people cleaned two sofas in my living room, but I don't know. The two sofas warrior with side couldn't lie on the sofa. In addition, the men's bathroom broke, and the water didn't become hot. I was fed up with everything this morning. I worked at a Japanese restaurant. It was a busy day, but I felt well because I could sleep very well today; I knew a Japanese girl whose name is Mayumi. She's a nice girl to talk to because she has experienced many things in Australia. I tried to know her well.


Fed up/ˈfɛd ʌp/うんざりした形容詞Tired of, Sick ofI was fed up with everything this morning.
Sofa/ˈsoʊfə/ソファ名詞Couch, SetteeKorean people cleaned two sofas in my living room.
Warrior/ˈwɔriər/戦士名詞Fighter, SoldierThe two sofas warrior with side couldn’t lie on the sofa.
Bathroom/ˈbæθˌrum/浴室名詞Restroom, LavatoryThe men’s bathroom broke, and the water didn’t become hot.
Experienced/ɪkˈspɪriənst/経験豊富な形容詞Seasoned, SkilledShe’s a nice girl to talk to because she has experienced many things in Australia.
Busy/ˈbɪzi/忙しい形容詞Hectic, ActiveIt was a busy day, but I felt well because I could sleep very well today.
Nice/naɪs/素敵な形容詞Pleasant, AgreeableShe’s a nice girl to talk to because she has experienced many things in Australia.
Lie/laɪ/横たわる動詞Rest, ReclineThe two sofas warrior with side couldn’t lie on the sofa.
Break/breɪk/壊れる動詞Damage, ShatterThe men’s bathroom broke, and the water didn’t become hot.
Sleep/sliːp/眠る動詞名詞Rest, SlumberIt was a busy day, but I felt well because I could sleep very well today.


なんとインターネットで申し込み可能 シンプルなパッケージ料金でインターネットでの申し込み可能です!

June 26thーThe 87th day of my stay in Australiaー



June 26thーThe 87th day of my stay in Australiaー
I got to know a new worker in my Japanese restaurant whilst working. She's a student and 20 years old. She's very young, and she calls me Takuro-san. It sounds nice because no one calls me this way, even though it is very polite. I'm also a new worker, so I must avoid being caught up by her.
A new Japanese sharemate, Mayumi, got annoyed with our key system. She looked 1st when she was angry, but I like her because she always takes the middle way and she's older than me. I like how she calls me to cruise, which also sounds good.


Worker/ˈwɜːrkər/労働者名詞Employee, LaborerI got to know a new worker in my Japanese restaurant whilst working.
Student/ˈstuːdənt/学生名詞Pupil, LearnerShe’s a student and 20 years old.
Polite/pəˈlaɪt/礼儀正しい形容詞Courteous, CivilIt sounds nice because no one calls me this way, even though it is very polite.
Annoyed/əˈnɔɪd/イライラした形容詞Irritated, VexedMayumi got annoyed with our key system.
Angry/ˈæŋɡri/怒った形容詞Furious, MadShe looked angry when she was angry.
Middle/ˈmɪdəl/中間形容詞Central, IntermediateShe always takes the middle way.
Cruise/kruːz/クルーズ動詞Glide, SailI like how she calls me to cruise, which also sounds good.
Avoid/əˈvɔɪd/避ける動詞Evade, DodgeI must avoid being caught up by her new Japanese sharemate.
Key/kiː/キー名詞Code, PasswordMayumi got annoyed with our key system.
Look/lʊk/見える動詞Appear, SeemShe looked angry when she was angry.

June 27thーThe 88th day of my stay in Australiaー



June 27thーThe 88th day of my stay in Australiaー
A new sharemate from Australia snored so loudly that I couldn't sleep well. His snoring kept me awake last night. I can't stand him anymore!
In my school, the snoring man became the good topic to talk about. I could make my friends in my classroom laugh with it. I enjoyed talking to my friends and taking lessons.
The Australian guy came home at midnight and vomited on his bed. Our shareroom smelt so bad. I really hate him!


Snore/snɔːr/いびきをかく動詞Rasp, GaspA new sharemate from Australia snored so loudly that I couldn’t sleep well.
Awake/əˈweɪk/目が覚めている形容詞Alert, ConsciousHis snoring kept me awake last night.
Stand/stænd/我慢する動詞Tolerate, EndureI can’t stand him anymore!
Topic/ˈtɒpɪk/話題名詞Subject, ThemeIn my school, the snoring man became a good topic to talk about.
Laugh/læf/笑う動詞Chuckle, GuffawI could make my friends in my classroom laugh with it.
Enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/楽しむ動詞Relish, SavorI enjoyed talking to my friends and taking lessons.
Vomit/ˈvɒmɪt/吐く動詞Throw up, RegurgitateThe Australian guy came home at midnight and vomited on his bed.
Smell/smɛl/匂い名詞動詞Odor, ScentOur share room smelled so bad.
Hate/heɪt/憎む動詞Detest, DespiseI really hate him!
Friend/frɛnd/友達名詞Companion, PalI enjoyed talking to my friends and taking lessons.




