


- The 56th day of my stay in Australia
- うらやましい!in English
- May 26th・パート2「文句・愚痴を言う」ーthe 56th day of my stay in Australiaー
- May 27th「Vivid Sydney Festival」ーThe 57th day of my stay in Australiaー
- Vivid Sydney Festivalとは?
- May 28th「がっかりした・落胆した」ーThe 58th day of my stay in Australiaー
- がっかりした・落胆したin Englsih
- May 29th「シェアハウスの情報収集in English」ーThe 59th day of my stay in Australiaー
- May 30th「片付ける」ーThe 60th day of my stay in Australiaー
- May 31st 「beとbeingの働きの違い」ーThe 61st day of my stay in Australiaー
- ワーホリは準備が命!
- 最後に
The 56th day of my stay in Australia


May 26thーthe 56th day of my stay in Australiaー
I needed to find a job in Sydney, so I made an English resume and showed it to John. He corrected my English resume and taught me how to write it. I’ll be able to look for a job thanks to him.
Today I helped a Korean friend of mine who will confess his love to one Japanese girl. He showed me a picture of her. I thought she was beautiful. If he becomes her boyfriend, I will be jealous. I read the sentences that he will use when he tells his feeling to her, and I recorded them with my voice on his smartphone, so he will be able to practice speaking his feelings. He said, “you are my best friend.” I was so happy to hear that. I hope he will succeed.

*resume 名「レジュメ・履歴書」
*thanks to 人「人のおかげで」
*confess 動「〜を告白する、打ち明ける」
*jealous 形「うらやんで、嫉妬して」
*record 動「〜を録音する、録画する」
*smartphone 名「スマホ」
What I envied him was that he was an upright man. I want to be able to express my feelings honestly like him. 「私が彼に嫉妬したのは、彼がまっすぐな人だということです。彼みたいに自分の気持ちを正直に表現できるようになりたいと思います。」
うらやましい!in English

・the green eye
・jealousy *愛する人や好きな人に対する嫉妬
His new sports car is the envy of all. 「彼の新しいスポーツカーはみんなの羨望の的だ」
He turned green with envy when he saw my new smartphone. 「彼は私の新しいスマホを見ると妬みで顔色が変わった」
Jealousy made him do that. 「嫉妬が彼にそれをさせた」
・get jealous
・feel jealousy
・become jealous
・feel envious of〜
・feel envy at〜
・envy 人 for〜
He envied my success.「彼は私の成功に嫉妬した」
I envy you.「あなたが羨ましい」
She gets jealous easily. 「彼女はすぐにヤキモチを焼く」


May 26th・パート2「文句・愚痴を言う」ーthe 56th day of my stay in Australiaー

May 26th part2 ーthe 56th day of my stay in Australiaー
After school, I talked with my friends about Facebook and scuba diving. They invited me to the next scuba diving, but I had a financial problem, so I turned down the invitation though I wanted to join.
I also talked with one of my friends from Japan. She made a complaint about the number of Japanese students in her class. She wanted to practice English, but she didn't have enough opportunities. So we left school together, talking in English, then we went to bookstores and a Japanese restaurant. I had a good time.
*invite 人 to〜「人を〜に誘う」
*financial 形「お金の、金銭上の」
*turn down 「〜を断る」
*invitation 名「お誘い、招待」
*make a complaint 「文句を言う」
*opportunity 名「機会」
I asked her how she practised English because her English sounds excellent. She said she does shadowing for English practice, and she showed me how to do it with TED talks on Youtube. It was the first time that I met the way of practising English. I should've done it before I came to Australia. 「彼女の英語がうまかったので、私はどうやって英語を練習しているのか聞きました。シャドーイングをしていて、どうやってやるかをTEDの動画をYoutubeで見せながら教えてくれました。その練習方法を知ったのが初めてで、オーストラリアに来る前にやっておくべきでした。」

I want to make a complaint about smoking in a working place.

I’m not complaining. 「文句を言っているわけではないんです。」

It’s no use complaining. 「文句を言っても始まらない」

I have nothing to complain about. 「文句を言うことは何もないです」
May 27th「Vivid Sydney Festival」ーThe 57th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活57日目。この日はVivid Sydney Festivalというイベントがあることを知り、友達と行くことになりました。シドニーの街中が3Dプロジェクション・マッピングによって色鮮やかに照らされるイベントにわくわくしました!今回のテーマは「Vivid Sydney Festival」でいきましょう!
May 27th ーThe 57th day of my stay in Australiaー
He remembered the sentences he would say when he confessed his love to one Japanese girl. I was surprised to hear that, but I thought he could do better, so I gave him some advice, then we left each other. I looked forward to hearing from him.
After school, I went to see Vivid Sydney Festival with my friends. But, first, we went to Momiji, a Japanese restaurant, to eat a bowl of rice for dinner. Japanese rice was delicious there. After that, we headed for the Sydney Opera House. We arrived there at 6 pm. The Opera House started to shine suddenly. I didn't know that I would be able to see the illumination. In addition, other buildings were lighted-up. I enjoyed watching a lot of vivid colours in Sydney.
*sentence 名「文」または「判決・宣告」なんて意味も!
*confess 動「告白する・打ち明ける」
*advice 名「アドバイス・忠告・助言」 動詞はadvise
*look forward to+名詞 「~を楽しみにする」
*a bowl of rice 「飯1杯」 topped with ~を付けると「~丼」
*head for 動「~に向かう・~の方に進む」
*shine 動「輝く・光る」
*suddenly 副「突然」
Vivid Sydney Festivalが何の祭りなのか、どういったものなのかを日記に書けていれば良かったですね。更なる英語力向上を目指して、Vivid Sydney Festivalを英語で説明してみましょう!
Vivid Sydney is an annual 3D projection mapping festival that lasts for 23 days and nights. The world-renowned festival illuminates the city of Sydney with mesmerizing art displays and 3D light projections. We can enjoy an eclectic line-up of musical performers and some of the world’s greatest minds. The Rocks, Circular Quay, Barangaroo, Darling Harbour and Luna Park will become a magical outdoor night-time gallery as part of Vivid Light. Some of the city’s most iconic buildings, like the Sydney Opera House, Customs House, Cadmans Cottage and the Museum of Contemporary Art will be illuminated with works by leading light artists.
vivid 形「光り輝く・色鮮やかな」
*mesmerizing 形「魅了させる」
*renowned 形「名高い・名声のある」
*illuminate 動「〜明るくする・光を当てる」
*gallery 名「美術館、画廊、ギャラリー、陳列室、展示室」
*works 名「作品」
Vivid Sydney Festivalとは?
上記には英語で書きましたが、分かりやすく言うと、Vivid Sydney Festival とはライティングアートを楽しむことができる光の祭典です。色とりどりの光でシドニーの街がまばゆくライトアップされるこのイベントは、光(Light)・音楽(Music)・アイデア(Ideas)の3つのコンセプトで展開され、国内外のアーティストがシドニーに集まります。光の影が色彩を帯びて輝き、建物の外壁に投影されたきらびやかなライトは秘められた魔法の世界を見せてくれます。

May 28th「がっかりした・落胆した」ーThe 58th day of my stay in Australiaー

May 28thーThe 58th day of my stay in Australia
Martin said to me, "Why do you always listen to CDs and read your textbook? You should try to talk with other people to practice speaking English." I thought he was right. I was disappointed at what I always do because I didn't talk with my flatmates many times even though I came to Australia to improve my English.
I went to Vivid Sydney Festival again with my flatmates to enjoy walking. I took many pictures of the festival. After watching the illumination in the city, we drank some beer together in our house. It was fun to talk to them. I had a perfect time.
*be disappointed at 「〜にがっかりする、落胆する」
*flatmate 名「フラットの同居人」
*even though 副「〜だけれども」
*vivid 形「光り輝く、色鮮やかな」
He was not good at writing English but good at speaking English. He sometimes gave me some advice but never imposed his one-sided opinion. I liked his heartwarming character.
がっかりした・落胆したin Englsih

日記に登場した”I was disappointed at〜.”の他にも、「がっかりした・落胆した」という表現はたくさんあります。海外ドラマにもたくさん登場しますので、是非覚えてみてください!
*despair 動「失望する・落胆する・絶望する」
*feel down 「落ち込む、凹む、さえない」

I have lost the watch my boyfriend gave me. I’m feeling down.

There is no need to despair. I’ll help you look for it.

I should’ve tried harder. My test score will depress my parents.

Wow. I have never seen her so depressed.

Don’t be so discouraged. You can do it better next time.
*let down 「期待を裏切る・失望させる」
*be doomed 「失望する」
*be frustrated 「失望する」
May 29th「シェアハウスの情報収集in English」ーThe 59th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活59日目。生活環境を向上させるために、新しくシェアハウスを探し直すことに決めて、シドニーのダウンタウンで部屋探しを開始しました。以前は右も左も分からず、焦って部屋を決めましたが、今回はゆっくり部屋を見ながら、オーナーさんと話しながら決めることができました。そこで今回のテーマは「シェアハウスの情報収集in English」を紹介できたらと思います。
May 29thーThe 59th day of my stay in Australiaー
I sent some messages to some house owners. Then, after my lunchtime, I went to see them. I lost my way for a while, but I managed to find the house that I had wanted to see. Two young men who looked younger than me showed their room. They were so lovely. The inside of the house was so clean that I wanted to live. I was supposed to see another house owner, so I went back to the town hall and killed time in a coffee shop. I learned English until 7 p.m, and then I met another house owner. The house he showed was not cleaner than the previous one but larger. I considered which was better for me for a while, and then I decided to live in the larger one. I could make more friends in the larger house. In addition, the owner was nicer. He spoke to me slowly. I could understand what he said. I could talk with three guys and four girls in English at the moment. It must be a good situation for me to make many friends in Australia. And more, I would be able to use the Internet for free and have as much rice as I could for free. I was looking forward to living in the new shared house.
*owner 名「オーナー・所有者・持ち主」
*lose my way 「道に迷う」
*be supposed to 「〜することになっている」
*kill time 「時間を潰す」
*previous 形「前の、以前の、これまでの」
*for free 「無料で」
*look forward to〜 「〜を楽しみにする」
One girl in 2 girls shared room
The location is at 123456 Harris St, Pyrmont. Where is close to coles in 5 mins, Asian shops next door, the bus stop in front of the building entrance. Which is quite convenient and accessible to go to the city, UTS, TAFE, Market city or etc.
a light rail station in 3 mins.
This furnished flat has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, balcony, washing machine, dryer, kitchen and fast, unlimited wi-fi.
You can use its facilities like gym, swimming pool, and sauna. Your own key is provided, which you don't have to do “key sharing”.
one girl for the master room: $ 150
Available from 21st
All Bills are included, there are 2 weeks bond, key deposit ($ 150), 2-week notice before you move out required.
If you're interested in, don't miss this chance and feel free to text me to have a look.
David ******** 493. Cheers.

*location 名「場所・位置」「所在地」
*quite convenient and accessible to go to the city 「とても便利で町に行きやすい」
*furnished 形「家具付きの」
*balcony 名「ベランダ」
*unlimited wi-fi 「無制限wi-fi」
*facility 名「施設」
*Your own key is provided. 「あなた自身の鍵が供給されます」
*Available from 21st 「21日から利用可能」
*key deposit 「鍵の保証金」
*feel free to 「自由に〜する」
*text 動「メールを書いて〜に送信する」

いかがだったでしょうか。今回のテーマは「シェアハウスの情報収集in English」でした。英語の環境に身を置くのがワーホリ上級者!今回の記事がワーホリを頑張る方々やこれからワーホリを始める、始めてみようと思っている方々へ役立ってくれれば幸いです。
May 30th「片付ける」ーThe 60th day of my stay in Australiaー

May 30thーThe th day of my stay in Australiaー I went to school and noticed that two Japanese girls had graduated. There were just three pupils in our classroom today. I could practice speaking English a lot because of it. After school, my friend told me to get a job, so I called one Japanese restaurant. I will have to take an interview. I hope to be able to get a job in Sydney. Sunny, the house owner, told me to clean my room before leaving. When I cleaned my room, one of my flatmates came to me and said he would go to my hometown, Kyoto, someday. So we promised to meet up in Kyoto in the future. I was happy to feel our friendship.
*graduate 動「卒業する」
*pupil 名「生徒」
*interview 名「面接」
*flatmate 名「フラットの同居人」
*hometown 名「故郷の町、地元の町」
*promise 動「約束する」
The house owner told me to clean my room. I needed tidying up for the next person who would live. My room was messy, so it took me 3 hours to clear it up. First, I straightened up the top of the table. Next, I put many of my notebooks and stationery products in my bag, then packed everything in my suitcase, like clothes.

それでは「片付ける」を英語で見ていきましょう!”clean”以外の言い方に注目です。ちなみに「散らかった」は英語で”mess”と言います。”My room was a mess.”とか”What a mess!”のように使います。

*clean off 「(机の上などを)片付ける」
*clear up 「(物や散らかっている場所などを)片付ける」
*pull things together 「整理する・片付ける」
*neaten 動「片付ける、整頓する」
*straighten up the top of 「〜の上を片付ける」
*pack 動「詰める、荷造りする」
*tidy 動「整える、整理整頓する、片付ける」
May 31st 「beとbeingの働きの違い」ーThe 61st day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活61日目。この日はTESOLの授業見学をしにGreenwich Collegeにやってきました。英語の教授法を英語で学ぶという大きな1歩をついに踏み出しました。そこで学んだ”You are ver kind.”と”You’re being very kind.”の違いを今回のテーマにしたいと思います。
May 31stーThe 61st day of my stay in Australiaー
I went observing Greenwich College know what TESOL lessons are. I met one woman named Mio there. She could speak Japanese and likes Kyoto, which is my hometown. She led me inside the building. There were many people from all over the world, and it looked enjoyable to take the lessons. After talking to her a little more, she allowed me to take a foundation class, which made me very excited.
At first, I met four Korean students and a teacher. First, we introduced ourselves to each other. Secondly, the teacher made two pairs and gave us time to explain the difference between the two sentences. The sentences were "You are very kind." "You are being very kind. What do you want?" and "I've cut my finger. I need a plaster." and "I often cut my finger. I'm clumsy." I thought about the difference with a Korean girl. The teacher told me to explain the difference. It was difficult for me to do it at my English level, but I managed to do that with her and the teacher's help. I had a good time.
*observe 動「〜を見学する」 *TESOL ・・・teaching English to speakers of other languagesの略。英語を母語としない人に英語を教える資格[教授法]、他言語話者に対する英語教授法 *enjoyable 形「楽しめる・楽しい」*allow 人 to 「人が〜するのを許す」 *foundation 名「基盤、基礎、土台」*plaster 名「ばんそうこう」*clumsy 形「不器用な、ぎこちない」
①You are very kind.
「あなたはとても優しい」ですが、これには「習慣」や「性格」といった意味合いが含まれています。過去から現在、そしてこれからもきっと「あなたはとても優しい」のが”You are very kind.”
②You’re being very kind. What do you want?


