- はじめに
- June 28th ー 88th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 29th ー 89th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 30th ー 90th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 1st Julyー91st day of my stay in Australiaー
- 2nd Julyー92nd day of my stay in Australiaー
- 3rd Julyー93rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- 4th Julyー94th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「やめる」の言い方in English
- 最後に

June 28th ー 88th day of my stay in Australiaー

JET English Collegeを終了後、International House Sydneyという語学学校へ通う決心がつきました。それまでにどれだけ英語力を向上できるか!オーストラリア放浪日記、是非ご一読ください。
June 28th ー 88th day of my stay in Australiaー
Finally, I have decided to go to International House College after graduating from Jet English College. A friend who goes to International House Sydney suffers hardship, so I must study English hard at Jet English College. Today, we had two dictations in Jet English College and started using a textbook in stage 8. I could catch almost all of the sentences in the dictations, but the sentences and grammar in stage 8 were more difficult to understand than in stage 7. It is good for me because such difficulty inspires me.
After school, I worked at a Japanese restaurant. It was easy to work because it was Tuesday, and it rained this evening. I've got to know some new workers in my restaurant, so now that I am not a new worker, I must be dependent on every new worker.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Graduating | /ˈɡrædʒuˌeɪtɪŋ/ | 卒業する | 動詞 | Completing, Finishing | Finally, I have decided to go to International House College after graduating from Jet English College. |
Hardship | /ˈhɑːrdˌʃɪp/ | 苦難 | 名詞 | Struggle, Adversity | A friend who goes to International House Sydney suffers hardship. |
Dictation | /dɪkˈteɪʃən/ | 聞き取り | 名詞 | Transcription, Transcribing | Today, we had two dictations in Jet English College. |
Textbook | /ˈtɛkstˌbʊk/ | 教科書 | 名詞 | Coursebook, Manual | We started using a textbook in stage 8. |
Inspire | /ɪnˈspaɪər/ | 鼓舞する | 動詞 | Motivate, Encourage | Such difficulty inspires me after school. |
Sentence | /ˈsɛntəns/ | 文 | 名詞 | Phrase, Statement | I could catch almost all of the sentences in the dictations. |
Grammar | /ˈɡræmər/ | 文法 | 名詞 | Syntax, Structure | The sentences and grammar in stage 8 were more difficult to understand. |
Dependent | /dɪˈpɛndənt/ | 頼る | 形容詞 | Relying, Counting on | I must be dependent on every new worker. |
Stage | /steɪdʒ/ | 段階 | 名詞 | Level, Phase | We started using a textbook in stage 8. |
Understand | /ˌʌndərˈstænd/ | 理解する | 動詞 | Comprehend, Grasp | The sentences and grammar in stage 8 were more difficult to understand than in stage 7. |
June 29th ー 89th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 29th ー 89th day of my stay in Australiaー
The new sharemate from Australia has left our shared house, and peace has returned. I was so happy that he wasn't in his bed and his stuff wasn't there except marks of his vomit.
We decided to have a party with my classmates in the end. One of my classmates will graduate from Jet English College this weekend, so I look forward to having a party. Naturally, there was no party in my class, but my Korean classmate Heygi changed the atmosphere. I think she is a nice girl.
After school, I went to my restaurant to drink beer with my co-workers. It was my first time doing that with them, so I was a little nervous. I was surprised they were very friendly and kind, even though they were a little fearful when working. I'm always afraid of being scolded, but they have a different side of their characters. After all, we drank beer until 6:00 AM. We were crazy.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Sharemate | /ˈʃɛərmeɪt/ | 共有仲間 | 名詞 | Roommate, Housemate | The new sharemate from Australia has left our shared house. |
Returned | /rɪˈtɜːrnd/ | 戻った | 動詞 | Come back, Reappeared | Peace has returned after he left our shared house. |
Vomit | /ˈvɒmɪt/ | 吐く | 名詞・動詞 | Throw up, Regurgitate | His stuff wasn’t there except marks of his vomit. |
Graduate | /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ | 卒業する | 動詞 | Complete, Finish | One of my classmates will graduate from Jet English College this weekend. |
Atmosphere | /ˈætməsfɪər/ | 雰囲気 | 名詞 | Ambiance, Mood | My Korean classmate Heygi changed the atmosphere. |
Nervous | /ˈnɜːrvəs/ | 神経質な | 形容詞 | Anxious, Apprehensive | I was a little nervous drinking beer with my co-workers for the first time. |
Friendly | /ˈfrɛndli/ | 親しみやすい | 形容詞 | Amiable, Approachable | I was surprised they were very friendly and kind. |
Scolded | /ˈskoʊldɪd/ | 叱られる | 動詞 | Reprimanded, Chided | I’m always afraid of being scolded. |
Fearful | /ˈfɪərfəl/ | 恐れた | 形容詞 | Afraid, Apprehensive | They were a little fearful when working. |
Crazy | /ˈkreɪzi/ | 狂った | 形容詞 | Insane, Wild | After all, we drank beer until 6:00 AM. We were crazy. |
June 30th ー 90th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 30th ー 90th day of my stay in Australiaー
I was late for school because I stayed up late yesterday. In the third lesson, we took a free-conversation class. We talked about sake, sushi, and so on. It was fun after school. I worked at a Japanese restaurant as usual. Though it was easy to work today, the boss was in a bad mood, making me angry, but I felt calm after dinner.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Late | /leɪt/ | 遅れた | 形容詞 | Delayed, Tardy | I was late for school because I stayed up late yesterday. |
Conversation | /ˌkɒnvərˈseɪʃən/ | 会話 | 名詞 | Dialogue, Chat | In the third lesson, we took a free-conversation class. |
Sushi | /ˈsuːʃi/ | 寿司 | 名詞 | Japanese dish | We talked about sake, sushi, and so on. |
Sake | /ˈsɑːkeɪ/ | 酒 | 名詞 | Japanese rice wine | We talked about sake, sushi, and so on. |
Usual | /ˈjuːʒuəl/ | 通常の | 形容詞 | Normal, Typical | I worked at a Japanese restaurant as usual. |
Mood | /muːd/ | 気分 | 名詞 | Temper, Disposition | The boss was in a bad mood. |
Angry | /ˈæŋɡri/ | 怒った | 形容詞 | Mad, Furious | The boss was in a bad mood, making me angry. |
Calm | /kɑːm/ | 落ち着いた | 形容詞 | Tranquil, Serene | I felt calm after dinner. |
Third | /θɜːrd/ | 第三の | 形容詞 | In the third lesson, we took a free-conversation class. | |
Lesson | /ˈlɛsən/ | レッスン | 名詞 | Class, Lecture | In the third lesson, we took a free-conversation class. |
1st Julyー91st day of my stay in Australiaー

1st Julyー91st day of my stay in Australiaー
My classmates and I got together in front of the town hall. We had a farewell party today. We went to a Japanese restaurant named ASISEN RAMEN. The party was so an enjoyable time, but it was sad enough that we had to say goodbye after school. After the party, we went to school together and took lessons. I enjoyed taking the third lesson. We made a story in turns. Making sentences at first, he made a sentence whose main character is himself, then we expected him to make a sentence not try to spoil the story or the main character; nonetheless, he didn't give up making a good story. It was so much fun.
After school, I worked at a Japanese restaurant. It was a busy day because it was Friday. We had a lot of customers coming in as a group. I was fed up with carrying dishes and taking orders, and I made a lot of mistakes because of it. I felt down in the dumps after working.
After closing our restaurant, we drank with the owner, the kitchen boss, and some co-workers. I was afraid of the owner because he was like a gangster, but as time passed, we took an immediate pass at each other. I hoped my wages were going to rise after all. I spent the night drinking with them, and the time we broke up was 6:00 a.m. I didn't feel like doing anything at the time.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Farewell | /ˌfɛəˈwɛl/ | お別れの | 形容詞・名詞 | Goodbye, Departure | We had a farewell party today. |
Enjoyable | /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/ | 楽しい | 形容詞 | Pleasurable, Delightful | The party was an enjoyable time. |
Nonetheless | /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/ | それにもかかわらず | 副詞 | Nevertheless, However | He didn’t give up making a good story, nonetheless. |
Main | /meɪn/ | 主要な | 形容詞 | Primary, Principal | He made a sentence whose main character is himself. |
Busy | /ˈbɪzi/ | 忙しい | 形容詞 | Hectic, Bustling | It was a busy day because it was Friday. |
Fed up | /ˈfɛd ʌp/ | うんざりした | 形容詞 | Tired of, Sick of | I was fed up with carrying dishes and taking orders. |
Down in the dumps | /daʊn ɪn ðə dʌmps/ | 落ち込む | 慣用句 | Depressed, Sad | I felt down in the dumps after working. |
Gangster | /ˈɡæŋstər/ | ギャング | 名詞 | Mobster, Hoodlum | I was afraid of the owner because he was like a gangster. |
Immediate | /ɪˈmiːdiət/ | 即座の | 形容詞 | Instant, Prompt | We took an immediate pass at each other. |
Rise | /raɪz/ | 上がる | 動詞 | Increase, Go up | I hoped my wages were going to rise after all. |
2nd Julyー92nd day of my stay in Australiaー

Bruno Marsの”The Lazy Song”にハマっていた頃、” Today, I don’t feel like doing anything.”というフレーズを覚えて、ここぞというタイミングでよく使っていました。
2nd Julyー92nd day of my stay in Australiaー
I woke up at 2:00 p.m. Of course, I didn't feel like doing anything, but I had to work at a Japanese restaurant from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. In addition, I was extremely tired, so I made many mistakes like yesterday. I must think about what to do now or next while working.
Before the job, I went for having lunch with one of my Japanese friends for the first time. I looked forward to seeing her because she goes to The International House College Sydney, which I was interested in going to. She told me what she does in her school and gave me advice. We enjoyed talking about school education and love and I wanted to go drinking with her again. I came home at 2:00 AM. I told the owner of the house off for everything today. I was fed up with him.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Extremely | /ɪkˈstriːmli/ | 非常に | 副詞 | Very, Exceptionally | I was extremely tired, so I made many mistakes. |
Mistakes | /mɪˈsteɪks/ | ミス | 名詞 | Errors, Blunders | I made many mistakes like yesterday. |
Advice | /ədˈvaɪs/ | アドバイス | 名詞 | Recommendation, Counsel | She gave me advice about what she does in her school. |
Education | /ˌɛdʒuˈkeɪʃən/ | 教育 | 名詞 | Teaching, Instruction | We enjoyed talking about school education and love. |
Interested | /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ | 興味がある | 形容詞 | Fascinated, Intrigued | She goes to The International House College Sydney, which I was interested in. |
Fed up | /ˈfɛd ʌp/ | うんざりした | 形容詞 | Tired of, Sick of | I was fed up with him. |
Owner | /ˈoʊnər/ | オーナー | 名詞 | Proprietor, Landlord | I told the owner of the house off for everything today. |
Everything | /ˈɛvriθɪŋ/ | 全て | 名詞 | All, Entirety | I told the owner of the house off for everything today. |
Love | /lʌv/ | 愛 | 名詞 | Affection, Fondness | We enjoyed talking about school education and love. |
Told off | /toʊld ɒf/ | 叱った | 動詞 | Reprimanded, Scolded | I told the owner of the house off for everything today. |
3rd Julyー93rd day of my stay in Australiaー

3rd Julyー93rd day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to a Japanese restaurant at 4:00 PM even though I was going to work at 5:00 PM. When I arrived, a new worker named Connor was studying the menu. Some co-workers said she was quite able, and I was afraid she would steal my position, which I would work at lunchtime. It was very easy to work, but nothing will be good. I didn't do well last Friday, Saturday, and today. I was extremely disappointed.
I didn't feel quite at home in my shared house because of the owner of this house, especially when I felt uncomfortable in the owner’s presence. I couldn't understand why he called some sharemates and made them get up even though they were sleeping in the middle of the night. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Almost all of my sharemates were in our living room tonight. I watched Wimbledon on TV. The final match was so exciting that I could talk with the other guys. One of the Korean guys always gives me some food. He gave me a steamed bound tonight. We also talked about a carton and enjoyed doing that.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Able | /ˈeɪbl/ | できる | 形容詞 | Capable, Competent | Some co-workers said she was quite able. |
Disappointed | /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ | がっかりした | 形容詞 | Dismayed, Let down | I was extremely disappointed. |
Uncomfortable | /ʌnˈkʌmfərtəbəl/ | 不快な | 形容詞 | Uneasy, Discomfited | I felt uncomfortable in the owner’s presence. |
Sharemates | /ˈʃɛərmeɪts/ | 共有仲間 | 名詞 | Roommates, Housemates | I couldn’t understand why he called some sharemates. |
Living room | /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ | リビングルーム | 名詞 | Lounge, Family room | Almost all of my sharemates were in our living room tonight. |
Exciting | /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ | 興奮する | 形容詞 | Thrilling, Stimulating | The final match was so exciting that I could talk with the other guys. |
Steamed bun | /stiːmd bʌn/ | 蒸しパン | 名詞 | Baozi, Mantou | He gave me a steamed bun tonight. |
Carton | /ˈkɑːrtən/ | カートン | 名詞 | Animation, Comic | We also talked about a cartoon and enjoyed doing that. |
Bound | /baʊnd/ | 束縛された | 形容詞 | Confined, Restrained | He gave me a steamed bound tonight. |
Presence | /ˈprɛzəns/ | 存在 | 名詞 | Existence, Attendance | I felt uncomfortable in the owner’s presence. |
4th Julyー94th day of my stay in Australiaー

4th Julyー94th day of my stay in Australiaー
I was the only student in my classroom today, as everyone was absent from school. It was like a private lesson, so I was a little nervous when I took lessons. In addition, today's new work was a little difficult to understand. I studied antecedent. I was surprised to hear that native speakers use it without thinking or being conscious of it.
After school, I spent almost all the time doing the dishes in my restaurant. My hands worked quickly, but my brain slept when I worked in the kitchen. The boss was breathing down my neck, so I worked harder than usual. A new worker complained that she couldn't work any further because her fear of our boss made her think she wanted to resign from our restaurant. I understand why she wants to do so, but I will never give up.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Private | /ˈpraɪvət/ | プライベートな | 形容詞 | Personal, Confidential | It was like a private lesson. |
Nervous | /ˈnɜːrvəs/ | 緊張した | 形容詞 | Anxious, Apprehensive | I was a little nervous when I took lessons. |
Antecedent | /ˌæn.tɪˈsiː.dənt/ | 先行詞 | 名詞 | Preceding element | I studied antecedent. |
Conscious | /ˈkɑːn.ʃəs/ | 意識して | 形容詞 | Aware, Cognizant | Native speakers use it without being conscious of it. |
Dishes | /ˈdɪʃɪz/ | 食器 | 名詞 | Utensils, Tableware | I spent almost all the time doing the dishes. |
Quickly | /ˈkwɪkli/ | 迅速に | 副詞 | Swiftly, Speedily | My hands worked quickly. |
Breathing down my neck | /ˈbriːðɪŋ daʊn maɪ nɛk/ | プレッシャーをかける | 慣用句 | Pressuring, Hovering | The boss there was breathing down my neck. |
Complained | /kəmˈpleɪnd/ | 不満を述べた | 動詞 | Griped, Grumbled | A new worker complained she couldn’t work any further. |
Fear | /fɪr/ | 恐怖 | 名詞 | Dread, Apprehension | Her fear of our boss made her think she wanted to resign. |
Resign | /rɪˈzaɪn/ | 辞める | 動詞 | Quit, Leave | She wanted to resign from our restaurant. |
「やめる」の言い方in English

例 I stop learning English.
例 I quit my job yesterday. 「昨日仕事やめたんだよ」
例 Darkness suspended the match. 「日没で試合が延期になった。」
例 resign because of a scandal「スキャンダルのため辞職する」
例 He left his job. 「彼は仕事をやめました」
give up…諦めてやめる。
例 We gave up the trip. 「私たちは旅行を取りやめた」

