- June 14th「予習する」ーThe 75th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「予習する」in English
- June 15th「夢」ーThe 76th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「夢」について
- June 16th「発音矯正」ーThe 77th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 17th「admire」ーThe 78th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 17thーThe 78th day of my stay in Australiaー
- “admire”の使い方
- June18th 「愚痴を言う・パート2」ーThe 79th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 19thーThe 80th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 20thーThe 81st day of my stay in Australiaー
- 【合わせて読みたい】過去記事ピックアップ
- 最後に
June 14th「予習する」ーThe 75th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 14thーThe 75th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to school, and I felt today's lessons move on very quickly. My teachers spoke English so fast and the English sentences were so difficult that I couldn't understand what they meant. I thought I needed to practice English harder. Actually I didn't go to school by 9 a.m. That's the reason I couldn't follow my classes.
After school, I had a part-time job. It was not a busy day because it was a weekday and a rainy day, so I was taught how to make drinks by one of my coworkers. I was fed up with remembering a lot of new things, but I had no choice to do it. Recently, my job becomes a topic of our conversation in my school. I considered my job was worth keeping.

*mean 動「意味する」*過去形はmeantで「メント」と発音します。
*by 前「〜までに、〜によって、〜の近くで」*とても良く使える前置詞です!
*weekday 名「平日」
*be fed up with 「〜にうんざりする」
*consider 動「(〜を)よく考える、〜と見なす、認める」
*worth〜ing 形「〜する価値がある」


I should have got to school by 9 a.m and prepared for today's English lessons. It was hard for me to get up early this morning so I couldn't come to class well-prepared today.
I could have followed them if I had studied in advance for the next lessons.
「予習する」in English

prepare 他動詞「〜を準備する・用意する」自動詞「準備する」
I didn’t prepare for today’s English class, so I couldn’t understand what my English teacher had told me.
well-prepared 形「きちんと予習する」
I am a well-prepared student. 「私は準備周到な生徒です」
I am not well-prepared to receive the result. 「私は結果を知る準備ができていません」
make good preparations「よく予習をしておく」
I made good preparations for our math class. 「私は数学の授業の予習をしっかりした。」
come to class well-prepared「十分な予習をして授業に出る」
I came to class well-prepared, so my teacher praised me.
study in advance for the next lesson「次の授業の予習をする」
My parents always tell me to study in advance for the next lesson because my test scores were so bad in the last semester.
be already done with「〜はすでに終えている」
I’m already done with my homework. 「宿題はすでに終えています。」
read up 「十分に勉強する・科目の予習をする」
We have to read this up before our exam. 「試験の前にはこれを読んでおかないといけない。」


(1) 私は学校で今日の英語の授業の準備をサッとした。
I prepared quickly for today’s English class at school.
(2) 私たちの英語の先生はよく予習をして次の授業に出るように言う。
Our English teacher tells us to make good preparations for the next class.
(3) 昨日学校を休んだので、私は十分な予習をして授業に出るつもりだ。
I’m going to come to class well-prepared because I was absent from school yesterday.
June 15th「夢」ーThe 76th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 15thーThe 76th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to the bank with my friend. She wanted to close her bank account, but she couldn't speak English. I followed her to help. It took us no time to be done. She thanked me a lot.
We went to school together after that. Before starting our classes, I bought a message card and wrote a birthday message for one of my Korean friends. It was his birthday today. In the second English lesson, when I gave it to him, he seemed happy.
In the third lesson, we gave a true or false quiz each other. My question was "I am half Japanese and half Thai." This quiz was too easy for my friends. To tell a lie was difficult for me.
I had dinner with my best Japanese friend on Dixon Street tonight. We chose an Indonesian restaurant. The food was so delicious and everything was also too good. We were so satisfied with the service. After dinner, we went to a bar and talked about having dreams.

*close a bank account 動「銀行口座を閉じる」
*thank 動「〜に感謝する」
*seem 動「〜に見える」
*a true or false question 名「◯✖️クイズ」
*half Japanese and half Thai 名「日本とタイのハーフ」
*tell a lie 動「嘘をつく」
*be satisfied with〜「〜に満足する」
To have dreams
I prefer to have one dream to have several dreams at the same time. My friend said having some plans, including the final goal, is essential. In my opinion, having many dreams makes us confused about the real purpose or what we should do now or next, so I think it is essential to keep having one plan. Of course, when one's dream comes true, one should try to set a new goal and not be lazy. I think we can do our best toward our dream.

夢に一歩近づく Be one step closer to my dream
This will be one step closer to my dream.
夢に向かって前進する advance in the direction of my dream
I will keep advancing in the direction of my dream no matter what happens.
夢に手が届く reach my goal
I’ll reach my goal soon. 「もうすぐ夢に手が届くだろう」
夢が叶うrealize my dream
I have just realized my dream now. 「たった今夢が叶った。」
夢を実現させる turn a dream to reality/ make a dream come true/ live out a dream
I have left Japan to make my dream come true. 「夢を叶えるために私は日本を出発した」
(1) 私は毎日日記を書いて、夢に向かって前進しようとしている。
I keep trying to advance in the direction of my dream by keeping a daily journal.
(2) 私はついに夢を叶えた。
I have finally made my dream come true.
(3) この経験が夢に近づく大きな一歩になるだろう。
This experience will be one big step closer to my dream.
June 16th「発音矯正」ーThe 77th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活77日目。「どのように英語を勉強するのが良いか」という話題で友達と盛り上がった時の日記です。シェアルームでニュースを見るのが日課になっていたので、”One of the best ways is to watch the news in English.”と言うと、英語の先生からは意外な答えが返ってきました。今回のテーマは「発音矯正」です。

June 16thーThe 77th day of my stay in Australiaー
I was lazy this morning, so I didn't feel like doing anything except sleeping. I got up at 11:15 a.m, and then I had brunch.
In my school, I talked to my classmates and my teacher about how to study English. I suggested that listening to the news programs in English is one of the best ways, but my teacher said that this is wholly spoken English. They don't use body language, so listening to the news is suitable for correcting English pronunciation.
After school, I went shopping at the Galaries. I entered the body shop and consulted with a shop assistant. Finally I bought the bottles of cosmetics. I'll try to protect my skin.

*lazy 形「怠惰な、気を抜いて」
*don’t feel like doing 「〜する気分でない」
*except 前 「〜を除いて、〜以外に」
*brunch 名 「ブランチ、朝食を兼ねた昼食」
*suggest 動「〜を提案する」
*wholly 副「全く、全体的に、完全に」
*suitable 形「ふさわしい、適切な」
*correct 動「〜を正す、修正する」
*pronunciation 名「発音」
*consult 動「相談する、助言を求める」
Regarding English pronunciation, I've been learning English with Kalan Method for more than two months at school. This is one of the best ways to improve my listening skill and pronunciation.


June 17th「admire」ーThe 78th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 17thーThe 78th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 17thーThe 78th day of my stay in Australiaー
I woke up at 10:30 this morning. I didn't feel like setting an alarm clock last night. I took my time to have breakfast and drink a cup of coffee.
I went to school after having breakfast. The third lesson was interesting for me today. We described the person who we admire now. I described Micheal Jordan and explained why I admire him. Our teacher, Vicky, praised me because my English sentences were very good.
After school, I worked at a Japanese restaurant. I was afraid of making mistakes because it was Friday. We're usually busy on Friday. Though we were actually busy tonight, I enjoyed talking to our customers. Some of them were so beautiful girls, so I could do my best until my job ended. I finished working at 1 a.m. I was exhausted.
Unfortunately, I arrived at the building where I lived at 2 a.m. Everyone didn't stay up. All I could do was to sit on a sofa in front of the reception until the sun rises. I hate this accommodation!!

*set an alarm clock 「目覚まし時計をセットする」
*describe 動「〜を描写する・説明する」
*admire 動「〜を称賛する・敬服する」
*until 副「〜まで」 【until+主語+動詞】の順番で【主語が〜するまで】
*exhausted 形「疲れ切った・疲れ果てた」
*unfortunately 副「不運にも」

Michael Jordan is a legendary basketball player I like the best. His play is always beyond our imagination. One of the most famous ones is the dunk shoot from the free-throw line. I learned good ways of thinking to improve my life from him. For example, he says, "I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." "If you quit ONCE, it becomes a habit. Never quit!!!" and "To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail." He left many inspiring words for us. His words have already helped me many times. That's why I admire him now.

*legendary 形「伝説の」
*beyond 前「〜を越えて、〜の向こうに」
*accept 動「〜を受け入れる」
*failure 名「失敗」
*quit 動「〜をやめる」
*inspiring 形「奮い立たせる」
admire 動「〜を称賛する・〜に敬服する」*respectと同じような意味ですね!
I admire his effort. 「彼の努力は立派だと思う」
I admire him for his courage. 「彼の勇気には感服する」
I admire him as a leader. 「私は彼をリーダーとして敬服する」
June18th 「愚痴を言う・パート2」ーThe 79th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 18thーThe 79th day of my stay in Australiaー
I had a part-time job from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. At first, I went grocery shopping with my coworker. I made a mistake yesterday because I still need to remember what we need for our restaurant. It was an easy day to work at lunchtime today because no one came to the restaurant. After lunchtime, we prepared for dinner time. It was so busy tonight that all of us got irritated, but I could enjoy talking to the customers. I made friends with some Indians and a Japanese girl. After my job finished, I spoke to them for a while. The Indian guys spoke Japanese very well. That was great.
In my share room tonight, my roommates spoke ill of our room owner. The conversation lasted a long time. I don't usually speak ill of someone, but I realized it was so easy to understand the conversation.
*grocery 名「食料雑貨店、食料品店」
*coworker 名「同僚」
*make a mistake 動「失敗する」
*lunchtime 名「お昼ご飯の時間」
*prepare 動「準備する」
*get irritated 動「いらいらする」
*for a while 副「しばらく」
*speak ill of someone 動「〜を悪く言う」
*last 動「続く」

「愚痴を言う・不平を言う」は英語で”make a complaint”と言いますね。

他にも”moan”は愚痴は愚痴でも「ぶつぶつ言う・グチグチ言う」の意味。日本語のイメージはこの単語かなぁと思います。”sloppy”は「ずさんな・いい加減な・だらしない」という形容詞。”sloppy talk”で「愚痴」の意味で使えます。”drivel”は名詞も動詞もあります。動詞で使うと「たわごとを言う」の意味です。
June 19thーThe 80th day of my stay in Australiaー
June 19thーthe 80th day of my stay in Australiaー
I worked at Kasumi Japanese restaurant at lunch time and dinner time. I made a lot of mistakes even though it was easy to work today. It took me a lot of time to finish preparing the ingredients at the supermarket. I made some error orders at the restaurant. The owner and manager scolded me today, and it made me feel sad.
I believed that they scolded me because they expect my progress, so I will try to remember what they told me today.
The restaurant has a jazz concert every weekend. I actually think it is boring because every musician doesn't play their musical instruments and sing songs well, but today their music toughed my heart perhaps because I was feeling down. In addition, the boss in the kitchen served some food to me though I made some mistakes today. I wanted to thank him and all of the coworkers who taught me how to work at a restaurant. The delicious dishes cheered me up at the end of the day.
prepare 動「準備する」
ingredient 名「材料」
scold 動「怒る」
expect 動「期待する」
musical instrument 「楽器」
touch my heart 「感動する」
cheer me up 「励ます」
June 20thーThe 81st day of my stay in Australiaー
June 20thーThe 81st day of my stay in Australiaー
A new classmate came to my class today. She is from Korea and she is very good at speaking English. I thought I had to make an effort to be able to speak English like her. Her character made a good atmosphere in our classroom. I enjoyed talking to her today.
I was off duty. I went home at 6 p.m, and then I watched Toy Story 3 on TV. I had wanted to watch it for a long time. It touched my heart. We need to deal with things, for example, toys, which are essential and cordial.
character 名「性格」
atmosphere 名「雰囲気」
off duty 形「勤務を離れた、プライベートな時間の」
essential 形「絶対必要な、欠くことのできない、本質の」
cordial 形「有効的な、心のこもった」


