


- WHYの答え方 ーthe 68th day of my stay in Australiaー
- オーストラリア放浪日記ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
- 【日常会話にも必須!?】ーWhyに対する答え方4選!ー
- June 8th「接客」ーThe 69th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 接客 in English
- June 9th「薬局」ーThe 70th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 薬局 in English
- June 10th「お好み焼きの作り方」ーThe 71st day of my stay in Australiaー
- How to make okonomiyakiーお好み焼きの作り方ー
- June 11th「RSA」ーThe 72nd day of my stay in Australiaー
- RSAとは?ーオーストラリア(NSW)の酒類販売資格についてー
- プログラムの内容
- RSA取得までの流れ
- June 12th「お気に入りのアーティスト紹介」ーThe 73rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- 日本のアーティスト紹介 in English
- June 13th「不安・心配パート2」ーThe 74th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 不安・心配 in Englishパート2
- ワーホリの準備にはオンライン英会話が最強!?
- 最後に
WHYの答え方 ーthe 68th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活68日目。この日はインターナショナルハウス・シドニーの入学テストを受けました。駄目で元元。しかし合格すればTESOLの勉強ができる!ということで、夢に向かって大きな1歩を踏み出した1日でした。その時受けた面接形式のテストで”Why are you interested in studying English here?”と聞かれました。今回のテーマは「whyの答え方」でいきたいと思います。

June 7th ーthe 68th day of my stay in Australiaー
I participated in today's first English lesson and caught up with all classes, so I was happy.
After school, I took an exam to enter the International House Sydney at 4 p.m. At first, I took a grammar test. One female teacher came to me and had a chat with me. She asked me, "What makes a good lesson?" I answered excellent questions, and group work made suitable lessons. And then the grammar test was done. She gave me a piece of paper. Two questions were on it. The one was "Why are you interested in studying English here?" the other was "What will you use this qualification?" I could write good answers on the answer sheet.

*participate 動「〜に参加する」
*catch up with 動「〜に遅れずについていく」
*International House Sydney 名 シドニーにある語学学校の名前
*female 形「女性の」
*suitable 形「ふさわしい、適切な」
*qualification 名「資格、資格証明、免許状、素質、技能」
*answer sheet 名「解答用紙」
オーストラリア放浪日記ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー

"Why are you interested in studying English here?" Because I want to learn how to teach English here. If my English is not enough to learn it I want to improve my English here.
"What will you use this qualification?" I will use this qualification for an interview test in Japan. My dream is to be an English teacher in Japan, so I need to take a writing exam and interview test. If I have this qualification, I can prove that I have learned how to teach English in International House Sydney, and I think it is valuable. I want to learn how to teach English to my future students. I want to give great English lessons to them.

(1) Because (2) to+動詞の原形(不定詞) (3) Well, (4) The reason is
(1) Because+主語+動詞で答える。「なぜなら~」
Why do you study English?
Because I want to go to Australia. 「なぜならオーストラリアに行きたいからです。」

たまに「Becauseは文頭で使えない」というのを聞きます。これは”I study English because I want to go to Australia.”のように意見を言う場合です。”why”の返事としてBecauseはバッチリ使えますのでご安心下さい。
(2) to+動詞の原形で答える。「~するため」
Why do you study English?
To visit Australia. 「オーストラリアを訪れるためです。」
(3) Well, で答える。「なぜかと言うと~」
Why do you study English?
Well, I want to go to Australia. 「なぜかって言うと、オーストラリアに行きたいからです。」
(4) The reason is で答える。「その理由は~」
Why do you study English?
The reason is that I want to go to Australia. 「その理由はオーストラリアに行きたいからです。」
June 8th「接客」ーThe 69th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 8thーthe 69th day of my stay in Australiaー
While working at the restaurant today, I made friends with some guests from Korea, Australia and so on. One of them gave me his e-mail address and phone number. I was happy that he did that. In addition, one couple treated me to a bottle of beer and sake because they liked my service. After I finished working, I joined them, and we enjoyed talking and drinking.
I needed to remember how to write down the menu names more correctly. I made some mistakes during working, but I was not so disappointed with it because I was happy that I got some new friends today. I was lucky that they treated me to some beer. This was not what I expected.
guest 名「お客さん」
couple 名「カップル。夫婦」
treat 人 to〜「人に〜を奢る」
a bottle of〜「〜のボトル」
service 名「サービス・接客」
be disappointed with〜「〜にがっかりする」
expect 動「〜を予想する・予期する」
It was my second day of working at the restaurant today. I had worked in a restaurant in Japan before. I felt the difference in service between Japan and Australia. Waiters in Japan pretend to be a real waiters. Waiters in Australia don't have to pretend to be. They play an individual role as waiters.
Waiters in Australia seemed to me that they enjoy face-to-face communication in a restaurant. I thought it would be a great chance to change myself. I decided to continue working here to become someone I want to be and improve my English speaking skills.
接客 in English

serve customers/ have customers/ have a guest 「接客する」
while serving customers 「接客中に」

接客が良い | 接客が悪い |
Be polite to customers serve my customers well take good care of my customers treat customers with care | Be impolite to customers have bad service rude service |

I’m busy with customers. 「接客に忙しい」
I have hospitality for customers. 「お客さんをもてなす。」
June 9th「薬局」ーThe 70th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 9thーThe 70th day of my stay in Australiaー
I had a fever last night, so I still had a headache this morning. I bought an antipyretic sheet to cool my fever. I was surprised to see the price of it. It was 7 dollars. I couldn't accept it. I couldn't understand why it was so expensive. In my school, one of my friends gave me medicine for a fever. I want to thank her.
After school, I worked at a restaurant. It was a busy day. A big group of customers came to our restaurant today, so I had to take many orders. One of the customers, I thought she was an Aussie, practiced speaking Japanese. She said to me, "Aishiteru." It meant I love you in Japanese. And I said to her, "Really?" with a serious mind. I could make everyone laugh and feel happy. I was happy.

fever 名「熱」
headache 名「頭痛」
antipyretic 形「熱冷ましの」
medicine 名「薬」
Aussie 名 形「オーストラリア人(の)」
meant 動・・・mean 動「意味する」の過去形。発音は「メント」
with a serious mind / with a severe mind「真面目に」
I also needed to buy a shampoo. I found Head & Shoulders 2in1 Old Spice Anti Dandruff Shampoo & Conditioner 750ml is more than 20 dollars. Body soap was super expensive, too.
Everything is expensive, but I found many things were made in Australia. I would buy some as a souvenir.
薬局 in English

Priceline pharmacy ・ Chemist Warehouse…オーストラリアの薬局チェーン



英語 | 日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 |
medicine | お薬 | medicine for fever | 解熱剤 |
an ice pack | 氷枕 | thermometer | 体温計・検温器 |
band-aid | バンドエイド | disinfectant solution for contact lens | コンタクト用の消毒液 |
toothbrush/ brush | 歯ブラシ | toothpaste | 歯磨き粉 |
shampoo | シャンプー | conditioner | リンス・コンディショナー |
body soap | ボディソープ・せっけん | cosmetics | 化粧品 |
lip balm/ chap stick | リップクリーム | sunscreen lotion | 日焼け止めクリーム |

June 10th「お好み焼きの作り方」ーThe 71st day of my stay in Australiaー



June 10thーThe 71st day of my stay in Australiaー
I'm seldom late for school, but I overslept and I missed some English lessons. I had lunch at 11:30, so I couldn't learn English this morning.
After school, I worked at a restaurant. Many of my Japanese friends came to our restaurant today. I enjoyed talking to them and made more friends. One of my friends who works at a language school came to our restaurant today. I was surprised to see her there and happy that she remembered me.
It wasn't so busy tonight, but I sometimes couldn't explain how to make okonomiyaki to customers because it was difficult for me to do it. I needed to practice it.

seldom 副 「めったに〜しない、ほとんど〜しない」
oversleep 動 「寝過ごす」
explain+o+to 人 「人にoを説明する」

Thank you for waiting. Here’s your okonomiyaki.
Shall I explain how to make it?

Yes, please. 「はい、お願いします。」

First, stir the mixture until it becomes smooth, and put it on the iron plate. Cook it for a couple of minutes. Turn it over and cook it for three more minutes. Put okonomiyaki sauce and mayonnaise on it if you like. So, enjoy your meal.
How to make okonomiyakiーお好み焼きの作り方ー
200g of cabbage | キャベツ200g | 50g of bean sprouts | もやし50g | 2 eggs | 卵2個 |
100g of Sliced pork back ribs | 豚肉100g | 80g of weak flour | 小麦粉 | green laver | 青のり |
sauce | ソース | mayonnaise | マヨネーズ | cheese | チーズ |


Step 1
Mix flour, eggs and water.
Cut vegetables and put them all in a bowl. You can add cheese or rice cake. Stir the mixture until it becomes smooth.

Put the mixture on an iron plate. You can use a frying pan. Cook it for a couple of minutes. Turn it over and cook the other side for a few minutes more with sliced pork back ribs.

Put sauce and mayonnaise on the okonomiyaki. Add green laver on it.

June 11th「RSA」ーThe 72nd day of my stay in Australiaー

June 11thーThe 72nd day of my stay in Australiaー
I've got RSA today. I took a lesson about alcohol. It took me about six hours to be done. I heard so many English words I had never met before, which meant it was a boring lesson. I started to lose my focus on it in the middle of the class. Although I lost interest in knowing about alcohol, I managed to get the qualification. It meant I could work at restaurants for customers that wanted to drink.
After the lesson, I made one of my Japanese friends, Keta. We talked about how to live in Sydney. He wants to be an English teacher, so the conversation between us was lively. I parted from him at Town Hall Station.

RSA・・・酒類販売資格のこと。Responsible Service of Alcoholの略。
It takes 人+時間+ to do 「人が〜するのに時間かかる」
many English words I had never met 「出会ったことのないたくさんの英単語」
boring 形「退屈な」
lose 動「〜を失う」
focus 名「集中」
interest 名「興味」
alcohol 名「アルコール」
qualification 名「資格」
lively 形「活気がある」
RSA stands for Responsible Service of Alcohol. All people who work at a restaurant with alcohol need this qualification. They must take a lesson and a test to get it. They must pay a fine if they work and serve some alcoholic drink to customers without it. 「RSAはお酒"Alcohol"を提供"Service"する責任"Responsible"を表します。お酒を扱うレストランやバーなどで働く全ての人にこの資格が必要です。この資格を取得するためには、その授業を受けて、テストを受けなければいけません。この資格なしでお酒をお客さんに提供すると、罰金を支払わなければなりません。」

RSAは”Responsible Service of Alcohol”の略です。文字通りお酒(Alcohol)を提供(Service)する責任(Responsible)を表しています。オーストラリアの飲食店などでお酒を提供する仕事をするには、必ずRSAという資格証明が必要です。

- 1st spet州が認定している学校でRSAコースを受講
- 2nd step仮証明書を取得
- 3rd stepNSW Service Centreで顔写真撮影
- 4th stepRSA取得



June 12th「お気に入りのアーティスト紹介」ーThe 73rd day of my stay in Australiaー

June 12thーThe 72nd day of my stay in Australiaー
It was a rainy day, but I was happy because people generally didn't feel like going outside for dinner. I had a part-time job today. We had few customers because of the rain, so I didn't make any mistakes. Even though I did a good job, the boss in the kitchen pushed me to remember what I had to do at the restaurant with annoyance. I didn't like the way he talked to me on duty. After our restaurant closed, he got calm. Anyway, I must remember the job as soon as possible.
After working, I talked to my friend on the phone. He called me because he would leave Sydney the following day. I would miss him because he was one of my best friends in Sydney. Now he would go to the next stage to build up his life experience. He can take action for his own life. He always inspires me. I respect him. We promised that we would keep up with each other. I hoped he would succeed.
In our share house tonight, one of my Korean friends told me to watch a DVD together. She showed me some Japanese comedy shows. She liked ARASHI very much. They reminded me of Japan. It was fun to watch them and talk to her about ARASHI.

generally 副「一般的に」
feel like 「~したいような気がする」
part-time job 名「アルバイト」
push someone to 「人に~するようにプッシュする、圧力をかける」
annoyance 名「苛立ち」
on duty 「勤務時間中に(で)」
the following day「翌日、次の日」
build up 「作り上げる、築き上げる、強くする、頑丈にする」
take action 「行動を起こす」
inspire 動「~を鼓舞する、刺激する」
remind A of B 「AにBを思い出させる」
日本のアーティスト紹介 in English

ARASHIについての説明 in English.
ARASHI is a J-pop idol group. The member consists of 5 good-looking boys. They are very popular because they are closed to each other. They sell a million copies of music albums. In addition, Some members appear in movies and TV dramas, and others anchor news programs. They are so talented. 「嵐はJ-popのアイドルグループです。メンバーは5人のイケメンで構成されます。お互いが仲良しなので、彼らはとても人気があります。彼らはミュージック・アルバムを100万枚売上ます。さらに、映画やテレビ・ドラマに出る人もいれば、ニュースキャスターを務める人もいます。彼らはとても才能があります。

idol 名「アイドル」
consist of~「~でから成る」
* The member consists of 5 members. 「そのメンバーは5人から成る」
sell a million copies 「100万枚売り上げる」
appear in a movie 「映画に出演する」
anchor a news program 「ニュースキャスターを務める」
BTSについての説明 in English
BTS stands for Bangtan Shoyeondan. Now they are the most popular K-pop idol group in America and Japan. Many Koran musicians are fluent in English because they have lived in a country where people speak English before. But BTS members speak English even though they have never spent overseas. They practised English very hard. Why don't you try to learn English like them? 「BTSは防弾少年団を表しています。今やアメリカや日本で最も人気のあるK-popグループです。たくさんの韓国アーティストは、人々が英語を話す国に住んでいたので英語が流暢です。しかしBTSのメンバーは海外経験がないにも関わらず、英語を話します。彼らは英語を一生懸命勉強したのです。彼らのように英語を学んでみてはどうですか?」
used to 「以前~した、よく~した」
even though 「~にもかかわらず」
June 13th「不安・心配パート2」ーThe 74th day of my stay in Australiaー


June 13thーThe 74th day of my stay in Australiaー
It was Queen's birthday, so I didn't have to go to school on Monday. In addition, my job was not so busy because of the national holiday. I felt time went by so slowly.
At 15:50, I got to my restaurant. My manager told me to go to a grocery and buy some ingredients for customers. I bought two bottles of shochu, ice cream and green tea. It was my first time doing this alone, so I called my manager several times.
After that, I prepared to open the restaurant by myself. It was also my first time, but I could do it in time.
One of my Korean friends, Kim, came to my restaurant tonight. We talked about the day we enjoyed Easter shows together. I was happy to talk with him again. I always meet some of my friends on duty in the restaurant, so I like this job.
go by 「(時が)過ぎる、経過する」
grocery 名「食料雑貨店、食料品店」
ingredient 名「材料、ネタ、原料」
in time 「時間内に、間に合って」
on duty 「勤務中に(で)」
I called my manager several times out of insecurity. I must have been a worried-looking person at the supermarket. 「不安から何回もマネージャーに電話した。私はスーパーで不安げな人だったに違いありません。」
I wandered anxiously around the supermarket. With some of my manager's help, I could buy all our needed ingredients. 「私は不安でスーパー中を彷徨いました。マネージャーの助けのおかげで、私は必要な材料を全て買うことができました。」
I was beside myself with anxiety at the supermarket. 「スーパーで私は不安でオロオロしていました。」
不安・心配 in Englishパート2

out of insecurity「不安から」
out of concern 「心配から」
worried-looking 「不安げな」
wander anxiously around 「不安で彷徨う」
be beside oneself with anxiety 「不安でオロオロする」

(1) 彼はよく不安でオロオロする。
He is often beside himself with anxiety.
(2) 私の親は心配から私に毎日電話をする。
My parents call me out of concern every day.
(3) 私の彼女はよく不安げな顔をする。
My girlfriend often makes a worried-looking face at me.




