

“Yen depreciation (en-yasu) refers to a situation where the value of the Japanese yen decreases relative to other currencies. Specifically, this means an increase in yen per US dollar. For example, if 1 dollar was worth 100 yen and changed to 150 yen per dollar, this indicates a yen depreciation. Conversely, when the value of the yen increases, and 1 dollar changes from 100 yen to 80 yen, this is referred to as yen appreciation (en-data).”
Recent Yen Depreciation
Recent Yen Depreciation: Background and Impact
In 2024, the Japanese yen’s depreciation continues, primarily driven by the widening interest rate gap between the U.S. and Japan. The U.S. has been aggressively raising interest rates to combat high inflation, while Japan maintains its ultra-low interest rate policy. This divergence prompts investors to sell low-yielding yen and buy high-yielding dollars, pushing the yen lower.
Effects of Yen Depreciation
- Impact on Exporters and Importers:
- Exporters: Yen depreciation benefits Japanese export companies. Manufacturers of automobiles and electronics find their products more competitively priced in international markets, boosting their sales.
- Importers: Conversely, companies that rely on imports face higher costs. Industries dependent on imported energy and raw materials, in particular, experience increased expenses.
- Impact on Individuals:
- Travel: For Japanese travelers, overseas expenses become more costly due to the weaker yen, increasing the cost of accommodations and meals abroad.
- Living Expenses: The price rise of imported goods due to the weak yen can contribute to higher domestic living costs. This effect is especially noticeable in the prices of food and fuel.
- Financial Markets:
- Investment: The interest rate differential fuels the “yen carry trade,” where investors borrow in yen to invest in higher-yielding currencies. This practice further amplifies the selling pressure on the yen.
The yen’s depreciation is expected to persist through the latter half of 2024. However, potential shifts in U.S. monetary policy towards lowering interest rates or changes in Japan’s financial policies could strengthen the yen. The Japanese government might also intervene in the currency markets to stabilise extreme fluctuations, which would also influence the yen’s value.
Overall, the yen’s value is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and ongoing economic trends will need to be closely monitored.

単語 | 発音記号 | 日本語訳 | 品詞 | 類義語 | 例文 |
Depreciation | /dɪˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən/ | 価値の減少 | 名詞 | Devaluation, Decline | The depreciation of the yen affects various aspects of the economy. |
Divergence | /daɪˈvɜːrdʒəns/ | 分岐、相違 | 名詞 | Difference, Variation | The divergence in interest rates has impacted the yen’s value. |
Competitive | /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ | 競争力のある | 形容詞 | Advantageous, Aggressive | Yen depreciation makes Japanese exports more competitive. |
Expenses | /ɪkˈspɛnsɪz/ | 費用、出費 | 名詞 | Costs, Expenditures | Overseas expenses become higher with a weaker yen. |
Amplifies | /ˈæmplɪfaɪz/ | 増幅する | 動詞 | Increases, Intensifies | The yen carry trade amplifies the selling pressure on the yen. |
Persist | /pərˈsɪst/ | 続く、持続する | 動詞 | Continue, Endure | The yen’s depreciation is expected to persist through the year. |
Intervention | /ˌɪntərˈvɛnʃən/ | 介入 | 名詞 | Interference, Mediation | The government might intervene to stabilize the currency. |
Fluctuations | /ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃənz/ | 変動 | 名詞 | Variations, Oscillations | Currency fluctuations can have significant impacts on trade. |
Yield | /jiːld/ | 利回り、収益 | 名詞 | Return, Profit | Investors sell low-yielding yen for higher-yielding dollars. |
Borrow | /ˈbɑːroʊ/ | 借りる | 動詞 | Take a loan, Obtain | Investors borrow in yen to invest in higher-yielding currencies. |
- 輸出業と輸入業:
- 輸出業: 円安は、日本の輸出企業にとっては有利です。自動車や電子機器メーカーは、海外での商品価格が相対的に安くなり、競争力が向上します。
- 輸入業: 一方で、輸入企業はコスト増に直面します。特に、エネルギーや原材料を輸入に依存する業界では、価格上昇の影響を受けやすくなります。
- 個人への影響:
- 旅行: 海外旅行をする日本人にとっては、円安により宿泊費や食事代が割高になり、旅行コストが増加します。
- 生活費: 輸入品の価格上昇は、国内の物価に波及し、生活費の上昇につながります。食料品や燃料の価格が特に影響を受けやすいです。
- 金融市場:
- 投資: 金利差を利用した「円キャリートレード」が活発になり、さらに円売り圧力が高まります。これは、円を借りて他の高金利通貨に投資する戦略であり、円安を加速させる要因です。
