【トレンドニュースin English】パリオリンピック閉幕!





The Paris 2024 Olympics were generally well-received, with many praising the event’s organization and the vibrant atmosphere created by the stunning venues, including iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. The Games were notable for their record-breaking attendance, particularly in sports like Rugby 7s and Handball. Despite the initial concerns about weather and security, the overall experience was positive, with most visitors rating their experience highly.

However, there were some controversies, including issues with water quality in the Seine River, which affected swimming events, and concerns over fairness and gender in boxing. Additionally, some logistical challenges, like long queues, were noted. Notable instances of online harassment and abuse on social media also marked the tournament. The situation escalated to the point where calls were made to refrain from such behaviour involving targeted athletes, including medalists, former representatives of Japan, and experts.

The Games also set new standards for gender equality, with near-parity in athlete participation and leadership roles. The Paris Olympics were widely regarded as a successful and memorable event, though not without its challenges​ (DW)​ (Paris 2024 Olympics)​ (Paris 2024 Olympics).



また、このオリンピックは男女平等の新しい基準を設定し、アスリートの参加やリーダーシップの役割でほぼ同数の参加を達成しました。パリオリンピックは、いくつかの課題はありましたが、全体として成功し、記憶に残るイベントとして広く認識されています​ (DW)​ (Paris 2024 Olympics)​ (Paris 2024 Olympics)。

“Paris 2024 Olympics public and critical reviews overall assessment”
DW — Paris 2024 Olympics: The good, the bad and the golden – DW – 08/11/2024
Paris 2024 Olympics — Paris 2024: Record-breaking Olympic Games on and off the field
Paris 2024 Olympics — Paris 2024 Olympics – Latest News, Schedules & Results




English WordPronunciation日本語訳品詞類義語例文
Generallyˈdʒɛnərəli一般的に副詞Typically, UsuallyThe Olympics were generally well-received by the public.
Praisingˈpreɪzɪŋ称賛している動詞Commending, ApplaudingMany were praising the event’s organization and atmosphere.
Vibrantˈvaɪbrənt活気のある形容詞Lively, EnergeticThe vibrant atmosphere was enhanced by the stunning venues.
Iconicaɪˈkɑːnɪk象徴的な形容詞Symbolic, EmblematicIconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower were featured prominently.
Landmarkˈlændˌmɑrkランドマーク名詞Monument, MilestoneThe Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.
Record-breakingˈrɛkərdˌbreɪkɪŋ記録破りの形容詞Unprecedented, UnmatchedThe Games were notable for their record-breaking attendance.
Controversiesˈkɒntrəˌvɜrsiz論争名詞Disputes, ConflictsThere were some controversies during the Games.
Fairnessˈfɛrnəs公平さ名詞Equity, ImpartialityConcerns over fairness and gender in boxing were raised.
Logisticalləˈdʒɪstɪkəl物流の形容詞Operational, OrganizationalSome logistical challenges, like long queues, were noted.
Challengesˈtʃælɪndʒɪz課題名詞Difficulties, ObstaclesThe event was successful, though not without its challenges.
Equalityɪˈkwɑːləti平等名詞Parity, EquityThe Games set new standards for gender equality.
Parityˈpærɪti同等名詞Equality, EquivalenceThere was near-parity in athlete participation and leadership roles.
Memorableˈmɛmərəbl記憶に残る形容詞Unforgettable, NoteworthyThe Paris Olympics were regarded as a successful and memorable event.






Paris, the capital city of France, is renowned for its rich history, culture, and iconic landmarks. Here’s an overview of what makes Paris such a captivating destination:

History and Culture

  • Historical Significance: Paris has been a major center of art, science, and philosophy since the Middle Ages. It was the heart of the French Revolution and has been a focal point for many significant historical events.
  • Cultural Influence: Known as the “City of Light” (La Ville Lumière), Paris was a hub of the Age of Enlightenment. It has produced numerous influential artists, writers, and thinkers such as Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, and Claude Monet.

Iconic Landmarks

  • Eiffel Tower: Completed in 1889 for the World’s Fair, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
  • Louvre Museum: The world’s largest art museum, the Louvre is home to thousands of works, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral: A masterpiece of French Gothic architecture, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is famous for its impressive façade and stunning stained glass windows.

Lifestyle and Attractions

  • Cuisine: Paris is famous for its exquisite cuisine, with a plethora of Michelin-starred restaurants, charming cafes, and patisseries offering delicacies like croissants, escargot, and macarons.
  • Fashion: As a global fashion capital, Paris hosts the prestigious Paris Fashion Week and is home to luxury brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Dior.
  • Neighborhoods: Each arrondissement in Paris has its own unique character. The bohemian Montmartre is known for its artistic history, while the Latin Quarter is famous for its lively student life and historic universities.

Economy and Transportation

  • Economic Center: Paris is an economic powerhouse, hosting major international organizations like UNESCO and OECD. It is also a center for finance, commerce, and industry.
  • Transportation: The city boasts an extensive public transportation network, including the Metro, buses, and RER trains. Charles de Gaulle and Orly are the main international airports serving Paris.

Paris continues to be a vibrant and dynamic city, attracting millions of visitors each year who come to experience its timeless charm and cultural richness.


I would like to show you some pictures that I took in Paris.





