


- 仕事の見つけ方ーthe 61th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 仕事の見つけ方 in Sydeny & レジュメの書き方
- 合わせて読みたいおすすめ記事
- 準備が命!ーオンライン英会話の練習がワーホリを制す!?ー
- June 1st「中華料理の英語メニュー」ーThe 62nd day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 2nd 「比べる」ーThe 63rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「比べる」in English
- June 2nd part2「過去完了」ーThe 63rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 3rd 「英語練習法/Keyword writing」ーThe 64th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 4th & 5th「レストランで使える英語表現」ーThe 65th & 66th day of my stay in Australiaー
- June 6th「荷物」を使った英語表現ーThe 67th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 「荷物」を使った英語表現
- ワーホリは準備が命!
- 最後に
仕事の見つけ方ーthe 61th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活61日目。この日はバイトの面接に行きました。私が選んだのは日本居酒屋のウェイターの仕事でした。オーダーを取るのに英語を使うため、英語力向上につながると考えました。今回のテーマは「仕事の見つけ方&レジュメの書き方 in English」でいきたいと思います。

May 31st part2ーThe 61st stay in Australiaー I took an interview to get a job in Chinatown. I wanted to work at a restaurant. However, before the interview, I saw a man come out of the restaurant to smoke. He didn't have a good atmosphere at all. It seemed to me he was a fearful person. So I needed to pretend that I was a nice person. In the interview, I succeeded in acting. Finally, the interviewer said to me, "I want you to work here. You are young and a nice guy." I promised my friend that I would treat her if I got the job. She looked happy. If I start working as the staff in the restaurant, the payment by an hour starts nine dollars. The income wasn't good enough. It was what I hadn't expected.
*interview 名「面接」
*see 人 動詞の原形•••人が〜するのを見る
*atmosphere 名「雰囲気」
*seem 動「〜に見える」
*fearful 形「恐ろしい、ぞっとする」
*pretend 動「〜のフリをする」
*secceed in〜「〜に成功する」
*treat 動「おごる、ご馳走する」
*payment 名「支払い、報酬」
*income 名「収入」
*expect 動「予期する、期待する」
I went to the website named Cheers to find a job. I became interested in working in a restaurant because staff members have to use English when ordering some food and drink. There were some advertisements on the website. I chose one of them and texted the manager. 「仕事を見つけるためにチアーズというサイトに行きました。食べ物や飲み物のオーダーを取るときに英語を使わなければいけないので、レストランで働くことに興味を持ちました。サイトにあったいくつかの広告から1つ選び、マネージャーさんにメールしました。」
仕事の見つけ方 in Sydeny & レジュメの書き方

Bennelong Point, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel (+81) 90-1234-5678 / E-mail 1234aiueo△◇@com
To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong communication skills.
Having a strong communication skills in English.
Proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Worked as a waiter in a restaurant for 2 years.
Worked as a cram school teacher for 1 year.
Bachelor of English literature, ◯△University.
Teacher's certificate, ◯△University.
いかがだったでしょうか。仕事の見つけ方とレジュメの書き方を英語でご紹介しました。ワーホリの生活をバイトで充実させたい方々、ワーホリ前の情報収集中の方々のお役に立つことができれば幸いです。今回は【ワーホリ経験者が語る】オーストラリア放浪日記May 31stパート2「仕事の見つけ方&レジュメの書き方 in English」ーThe 61st stay in Australiaーを最後までご一読いただきありがとうございました。



June 1st「中華料理の英語メニュー」ーThe 62nd day of my stay in Australiaー


June 1stーThe 62nd day of my stay in Australiaー
I was very disappointed today because I couldn't follow the third lesson. However, two of my Korean friends in my class speak English very well, so they can follow the task quickly. Moreover, their English sounds like a native. I felt the distance between their English skills and mine, so I didn't feel like doing anything.
I went to Chinatown with my friend to cheer myself up by eating super delicious meals. She is one of my good friends in Australia. I had a good time.
*disappointed 形「がっかりした、落胆した、失望した」
*task 名「任務、課題」
*moreover 副「さらに、その上」
*don’t feel like 〜ing「〜する気になれない、気が進まない」
*cheer up 動「元気づける、励ます」

日記をBrush Upすると…。
There are many Chinese restaurants in Sydney. We chose one that has English menus in there. I hesitated what to eat because the restaurant has a lot of menus. We decided to share fried pork dumplings and fried eggplant with Chinese chili sauce and double cooked pork. we had a good time.

料理名 | 英語名 | 料理名 | 英語名 |
ラーメン | ramen / Chinese noodles | 醤油ラーメン | ramen with soy sauce based soup / Shoyu ramen |
味噌ラーメン | ramen with miso-based soup / Miso ramen | 豚骨ラーメン | ramen with pork bone-based soup / Tonkotsu ramen |
塩ラーメン | ramen with salt-based soup / Shio ramen | 焼き飯 | fried rice |
天津飯 | crabmeat omelet on rice | 餃子 | fried pork dumplings |
揚げ餃子 | deep-fried pork dumplings | 水餃子 | fried pork dumplings served in soup |
蒸し餃子 | steamed dumplings | 焼き餃子 | potstickers |
チャーシュー | roast pork | 麻婆豆腐 | fried eggplant with Chinese chili sauce |
回鍋肉 | double cooked pork | エビチリ | prawn in chili sauce |
酢豚 | sweet-sour pork | サンラータン | Hot and sour soup |
杏仁豆腐 | Almond Jelly | タピオカミルクティー | Bubble Tea |
June 2nd 「比べる」ーThe 63rd day of my stay in Australiaー

June 2nd ーThe 63th day of my stay in Australiaー
In the third class, we described our characteristics to each other. It was delightful because I could say what I wanted to say, and our English teacher pointed out my mistakes kindly, so I learned how to use the words I hadn't known before.
After school, I went observing TESOL lessons at International House. I met many Korean people, and one of them said to me, " You are cool." in Japanese. It made me happy. The classroom had an excellent atmosphere to learn English. The teacher also had good vibes, so I became interested in learning at this school in the future. Compared the previous school I had seen before, The atmosphere was friendly.
*describe 動「〜を言い表す、説明する、描写する」
*characteristics 名「特徴、特性、特色、持ち味」
*delightful 形「嬉しい、楽しい、愉快な、快適な」
*observe 動「〜を見学する」
*excellent 形「素晴らしい」
*atmosphere 名「雰囲気」
*good vibes 「好感」
*previous 形「前の」
Compared the previous school I had seen before, The atmosphere was friendly.
I could compare Greenwich College to International House. Both of them are good schools. As compared to Greenwich College, International House is more cosmopolitan.
In comparison to Greenwich College, International House is more accessible on foot.

「比べる」in English
自動詞 No one can compare to you. 「あなたに勝る人はいません」

他動詞① We compared two products. 「2つの製品を比較した」

他動詞②compare A with ( to ) B 「AとBを比較する
People often compare themselves to others.「人はよく自分と他人を比べる」

As compared to (with)
in comparison to (with)
When it is compared to
June 2nd part2「過去完了」ーThe 63rd day of my stay in Australiaー

June 2nd part2ーThe 63th day of my stay in Australiaー
I got a phone call from my Japanese friend while brushing my teeth. I was happy to get a phone call from him because we hadn't talked to each other for about three weeks. We went to a Korean restaurant and talked about what we had been doing recently, such as jobs, room-sharing, etc. I realized that he had improved his English since we first met. I was worried about my English, but he said, "You also improved your English. I enjoyed talking to you in English."
* phone call「電話の呼び出し」
*while 接「〜する間に、〜と同時に、〜しながら」
*recently 副「最近」
*realize 動「〜に気づく、実感する」
*improve 動「〜を改善する、向上する」



“since my childhood”「子どもの頃から」
“when I got to the station”「私が駅に着いた時、」
“before I was fifteen”「15歳になる前に」
I was worried about my English. Since my childhood, I had not been good at making an effort for anything. Before I came to Australia, I had learnt only simple English grammar and phrases, so I wasn't confident in how much I could improve my English skills.

June 3rd 「英語練習法/Keyword writing」ーThe 64th day of my stay in Australiaー


“extrovert”、” moody”、” all ears”を使って物語を作りなさい。
June 3rdーThe 64th day of my stay in Australiaー
I had been reading a newspaper article for two hours before English classes started. I will have an examination next week, so I have to know many English words. In other words, I have to enrich my English vocabulary.
I had lunch with my friend, and she told me when she returned to Japan. She seemed happy, but I would miss her.
I could practice English enough in my English classes, especially in the third class. We made a story with three keywords. My keywords were "extrovert", "moody",and "all ears". Our English teacher praised me for the story that I made because there were almost no English mistakes. After we all showed our stories, the teacher wrote some English mistakes on the whiteboard, and she told us to correct them all. My Korean friend and I could correct all the mistakes. The teacher said, "Well done."
*examination 名「試験、テスト、調査」
*enrich 動「高める、強化する、豊かにする、補強する」
*especially 副「とりわけ、特に」
*extrovert 名・形「外交性の人」「外交的な、外交性の」
*moody 形「不機嫌な、気分の変わりやすい」
*all ears 「さぁ話してください、聞かせてください」=I’m ready to listen. I’m listening.
*praise A for B 動「AをBのことで褒める」
*correct 動「訂正する、正す、直す」
The story of one village
There is an extrovert man in a village. All people there love him except the mayor of the city. He is a moody man. He gets all the delicious food in the city. People want some, but he never listens to other people. Then, one day, a strike for food supply happened. The leader of the strike was the extrovert man. People made many complaints about the government, but he didn't care. Finally, the leader said, "Be all ears, man! We get fed up with everything." The mayor ran away to somewhere after all.
June 4th & 5th「レストランで使える英語表現」ーThe 65th & 66th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 4th ーThe 65th day of my stay in Australiaー I had nothing to do today, so I just listened to music and read my English textbook all day long. I was so lazy to write what happened to me in my diary today. June 5thーThe 66th day of my stay in Australiaー New life in the city started today. I called Zoe from Sweden when I arrived at the new place to live. She picked me up at the station and took me to our share room. She was so friendly. After I took a rest for a while, I went to work at a Japanese restaurant named Kasumi for the first time. One of the co-workers told me to remember many things. I was surprised at the number of things to do. Finally, after 4 hours of work, I got Makanai meals. It was very delicious. I needed to practise English more during my working time because I had to take orders from many customers in English. In addition, One co-worker told me to go out of the restaurant and catch some customers. I was insecure, but I tried to ask some people walking the street to have some meals in the restaurant. This experience must be worthwhile.
*all day long 「1日中」
*lazy 形「怠惰な、気を抜いて」
*pick 人 up 「人を車で拾う、車で迎えに行く」
*take a rest 「休憩を取る」
*for a while 「しばらく」
*co-worker 名「同僚」
*take order 動「注文を取る」
*customer 名「客」
*insecure 形「自信がない、不安な」
*experience 名「経験」
*worthwhile 形「価値のある」
I listened to music on Youtube. I wanted to see the lyrics to practice my English. When I found some English words that I didn't know, I took all of them in my notebook to memorize. Watching Youtube is one of the best ways to improve English skills.

英語表現 | 意味 | 参考 |
Just one moment, please. | 「チョット待ってください。」 | 入口にて空席を確認したい時。チョット待ってほしい時。 |
This way, please. Follow me, please. | 「こちらです。」 | お席に案内する時 |
Here’s your menu. | 「どうぞメニューです」 | メニューを渡す時のセリフ。 |
Your table’s ready. | 「お席の準備ができました」 | 待ってもらっていたお客さんに一言。 |
How many? How many people are at your party? | 「何名様ですか?」 | 入口で一言。 |
Please wait to be seated. | 「お掛けになってお待ちください。」 | 入口にて空席を確認したい時。チョット待ってほしい時。 |
Are you ready to order? | 「注文の準備はできました?」 | 注文したそうなお客さんに。 |
Can I take your order? | 「注文いいですか?」 | May I〜?は高級レストランで。 |
Can you repeat that, please? | 「もう1度いいですか?」 | 聞き取れなかった時の精神安定剤に。 |
Would you like some drink? Some drink, perhaps? | 「飲み物はいかがですか?」 | 中学校の授業で習ったやつです。 |
I’m afraid we don’t have〜 I’m afraid it’s just been sold out. | 「残念ながら〜はありません」 「残念ながらちょうど売り切れました」 | 悲しい感じで接しましょう。 感情とセットで英語もスグに身に付きます。 |
I’ll check that for you. Let me check. | 「確認してきます」 | 何か聞かれて分からないときのフレーズ。 |
Enjoy your meal. | 「どうぞお楽しみ下さい」 | 料理をお渡しするときのセリフに。 |
Can I take your empty plate? Can I take those dishes? | 「お皿を下げても良いですか?」 | 食べた後のお皿を下げるセリフ。 |
Do you want to pay a bill? | 「お会計ですか?」 | お会計したそうなお客さんへ。 |
Hope to see you again. Have a good night. | 「またのお越し下さい」 | お帰りのお客さんへ。 |
June 6th「荷物」を使った英語表現ーThe 67th day of my stay in Australiaー

June 6th ーthe 67th day of my stay in Australiaー
I got up at 11:00 and went to Bondi Junction to reclaim my baggage, and then I returned home at noon. I realized that I had misunderstood something. I thought it was a national holiday today, but it was not. The time that I realized it was 12:30, so I hurried to go to school. It was sad that I had missed the first English lesson.
I talked to a new classmate who was from France. He spoke English very well. I couldn't understand the reason why he came to our school. I want to try to talk to him to be a good English speaker.
After school, I could make three new Korean friends in my share house. They were very friendly. They gave me some Korean food. Plus, one of my new Japanese share mates gave me some wine tonight. We enjoyed them. I had a good day.
*reclaim my baggage 「自分の荷物を取る、荷物を回収する」
*misunderstand 動「〜を誤解する」
*national holiday 名「国民の休日」
I asked the French man, "What made you come to this school? I mean, your English sounds like native English. " He said that he wanted to improve his English and make many friends in Sydney. そのフランス人の友達に「なぜこの学校に来たの?ネイティブっぽく英語喋れるのに。」と尋ねました。彼は英語を向上したりシドニーで友達を作ったりしたいと答えてくれました。
The three Korean share mates asked me some questions. They used simple English expressions so that I could understand them. 3人の韓国人のシェアメートはいくつか私に質問しました。シンプルな英語を使ってくれたので、理解できました。

日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 |
背負い荷物、運ばれる重たい荷物 | burden, load | 手荷物、旅行などの荷物 | baggage, luggage |
貨物 | freight, goods | 船荷 | cargo |
手回り品 | belongings | (運ばれる)荷物 | pickup |
梱包した小中型の荷物 | package, parcel | 荷物 | possession, stuff |
check my baggage「自分の荷物を預ける」
pack up my possessions 「自分の荷物をまとめる」「荷造りする」
put together my belongings 「荷物をまとめる」
a piece of baggage 「荷物1個」
cram all my stuff into my suitcase 「荷物をすべてスーツケースに押し込む」

I’m afraid he will be a burden to us. 「彼は私たちのお荷物にならないかなぁ」




