

- はじめに
- The 29th day of my stay in Australia
- オーストラリア放浪日記29ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
- The 30th day of my stay in Australia
- The 31st day of my stay in Australia
- The 32nd day of my stay in Australia
- The 33rd day of my stay in Australia
- The 34th day of my stay in Australia
- The 35th day of my stay in Australia
- 故郷の紹介 in Englishー京都を英語で説明しよう!ー
- 最後に

The 29th day of my stay in Australia

The 29th day of my stay in Australia
I arrived at school with my suitcase at 10 am, started studying English. One of my friends came to me at 11 am. I taught her English grammar. It reminded me of my part-time job as a cram school teacher.
The first class and the second class were fine. I enjoyed them, but the third class was tough for me. My teacher was in a bad mood because we were not able to answer the teacher's questions even though those questions were for stage4. Plus, we all could not pronounce th sound like "something", "the" and "through". I had been practicing th sound for a month, but it was still hard for me. After the lesson, I made up my mind to practice pronouncing harder. I dropped in at Pie Face to cheer myself up.
I had the last dinner tonight with my host family. Everyone was in the dinning room because I had to leave them soon. They wrote me a letter. It made me happy. I spent precious days with them. I will never forget the days we spent together.

tough 形「キツイ」
plus 副「加えて」
make up my mind 動「〜を決心する」
drop in 動「〜にちょっと寄る」
cheer up 動「〜を励ます、元気づける」
オーストラリア放浪日記29ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー

Pie Faceというのはオーストラリアで人気のミートパイのお店です。日記にも説明文が付けられたら良くなりますね。
Pie Face was established in 2003 in Australia, and rapidly expanded. Actually, it came to Japan too in 2015. 「パイフェイスは2003年にオーストラリアで創業され、急速に広がりました。実は2015年に日本にも上陸しています。」
We can eat tasty meat pie with reasonable price. The pie has a cute face printed with chocolate sauce on it.「リーゾナブルな価格でミートパイを食べられます。パイには可愛い顔がチョコレートソースで描かれています」


上記の地図はシドニーのダウンタウンにあるPie Faceです。シドニー在中の方は是非おいしいパイをお楽しみ下さい。ちなみに日本でもお楽しみ頂けます!
いかがだったでしょうか。今回のテーマは「Pie Face」でした。興味があれば、日本でも是非パイフェイスのミートパイを味わってみてください。
The 30th day of my stay in Australia


The 30th day of my stay in Australia
I said "good-bye" to Ms. Ellens, and then went to the office to take a diving lesson. I met two good diving instructors there. Both of them had a tanned face. I also made two Japanese friends there. We watched DVDs about diving all day long, which made my eyes tired.
After we had dinner, I came to Bondi Junction. Finally, my new share room life was about to start. I arrived at a house to share. Surprising to me, there were 13 people from all over the world. Some of them taught me the rules about how to live in this house, and then they took me to Westfield to buy some food. They all had good characters. The room was a little dusty, but people in the house were all kind.
*a tanned face 「日焼けした顔」
*all day long 「1日中」
*be about to do「まさに〜しようとする」
*Westrield 名•••オーストラリアにあるショッピングモール
*character 名「キャラクター、性格」*dusty 名「ほこりっぽい」
The house has a cozy garden. We can do barbecue in a large outdoor space. I heard the friends often invite their friends to our drinking party.「その家には温かみのある庭があり、外の広いスペースでバーベキューができます。友達の友達が飲み会によく誘うようです。」
*cozy「温かみのある、居心地がいい」in a large outdoor space 「広い野外空間」
Its kitchen is cramped, but efficient. Kitchen utensils can be used by everyone. I realized that I was going to share everything in the house. 「キッチンは狭いが機能的です。調理器具はみんなに使われるので、部屋のすべてを共有していくんだなと実感しました。」
*cramped「窮屈な、詰め込んだ」*kitchen utensils 「調理器具」efficient 「効率的な、有能な」
It is a noisy house full of people. We are all busy until late at night. The dining room and the garden are always full of lively conversation. 「それは人でいっぱいの家で、夜遅くまでみんな騒がしいです。ダイニングルームや庭ではいつも活気のある会話であふれています。」
*a noisy house full of people「人でいっぱいで賑やか」*be busy until late at night 「夜中まで賑やか」
The 31st day of my stay in Australia

May 1stーThe 31st day of my stay in Australiaー
My Slovak friend invited me to run around the Bondi Junction tonight. We talked with each other about how to improve our English. He studied English for just six months, but he spoke fluent English to me. He said, "I tried to ask f**king questions to everybody. I don't understand grammar, but I can speak it. So you should try to ask many people many f**king questions." I thought he had a good personality.
*Slovak 名「スロバキアの、スロバキア人」
*invite 人 to+動詞の原型〜「人に〜することを誘う」
*fluent 形「流暢な」
*try to 「〜しようとする、試みる、取り敢えず〜してみる」
*personality 名「人柄、性格」
それでは過去の日記のBrush Upからいきましょう!スロバキア出身の友達の英語学習歴と対照にして、自分の英語学習歴も書けたらGOODでしょう!
When I was a junior high school student, I didn't like English at all. I didn't understand anything on the English textbook at school. 「中学生の頃、英語はまったく好きではありませんでした。学校では教科書の何も理解していませんでした。」
I had been learning English since I was in a junior high school, but I cannot be fluent in English no matter how hard I practice English. 「中学の頃からずっと英語勉強していますが、どれだけ頑張ってもまったく流暢になりません。」


The 32nd day of my stay in Australia

May 2ndーThe 32nd day of my stay in Australiaー I got up early in the morning even though I didn't have to. I went to school and took part in 3 English lessons as usual, and I met two new students today. The number of pupils in the class totaled to 12. The lessons were very boring because I didn't get to speak English a lot and many of the students wasted a lot of time. I got irritated because they weren't able to reply to the teacher's questions quickly. After the lessons, I asked Jon, the schools' head teacher, to change my level to the next higher one. He said, "I'll discuss it with some teachers." He is kind. In my room, I talked with a Korean friend of mine about how to study English. He advised me some ways to improve my English. For example, reading newspaper is a good way because many topics can be found. He underlines on the English expressions that he doesn't know, and reads the same newspaper five times. He also said listening is the most important skill in English because native English speakers don't like speaking it slowly, so we have to be able to listen to what they say. I thought I would try to read newspaper first. A Spanish friend of mine cooked Spanish omelets and a salad. They were very nice. It was his birthday. I hope he enjoyed his day.
*early in the morning 「早朝」
*total to〜 動「合計で〜になる」
waste 動「〜を無駄にする」
get irritated 動「イライラする」
discuss 動「〜を話し合う、議論する」
advise 動「アドバイスする、勧める、助言する」
underline 動「(〜に)下線・アンダーラインを引く」
In my room, I talked with a Korean friend of mine about how to study English. He advised me some ways to improve my English. For example, reading newspapers is a good way because many topics can be found. He underlines on the English expressions that he doesn't know, and reads the same newspapers five times. He also said listening is the most important skill in English because native English speakers don't like speaking it slowly, so we have to be able to listen to what they say. I thought I would try to read newspapers first.
newspaper 名「新聞の紙」
例 Please put some newspaper on the floor. 「床に新聞を敷いて下さい。」
newspapers 名「新聞」
例 I’ll buy some newspapers in the convenience store this morning.

「The Japan Times Alpha」は英字新聞社ジャパンタイムズが発行する、英語学習者向けの週刊紙です。 その週に起きた重要なニュース、世界中のトレンドなどの英文記事を無理なく読み切れるボリュームで掲載!
The 33rd day of my stay in Australia

May 3rdーThe 33rd day of my stay in Australiaー
I asked John to answer the question, and he said that you can go to the next higher level class, but if your English teacher tells you to go back to stage 5, you have to. I was glad to hear that. I want to thank K because he always encourages me.
After three English lessons, I went to the Rocks with K, and drank some beer. We promised we would come back to this bar and have some more expensive meals before going back to Japan. I hope both of us will be successful in learning English.
The Slovak friend of mine called me and invited me to go running outside tonight. We talked a lot. It was fun.
*tell 人 to「人に〜するように言う」
*go back to「〜に戻る」
*encourage 動「〜を勇気づける、励ます」
*be successful in「〜に成功する」
I was over the moon because I won his endorsement. 「彼の承認を勝ち取ったのでめっちゃ嬉しかった」 *over the moon「天にも登る気持ち!嬉しい」
I was pleasantly surprised to get his answer. 「彼の答えを聞いて、嬉しい驚きを味わった」*be pleasantly surprised「嬉しい驚きを味わう!」
I was on cloud nine because he allowed me to change my English class. 「彼が私の英語のクラスを変えて良いと言ったのでとても嬉しかった。」「とても嬉しい *cloud nineは積乱雲のこと。非常に高く上がる様子から」
I was damn glad to hear that. 「それを聞いてめちゃくちゃ嬉しかった。」
The 34th day of my stay in Australia
May 4thーThe 34th day of my stay in Australiaー I arrived at school at 8:45, and started studying English for three hours before my English lessons start. In today's class, I struggled with English pronunciation. I was glad that I understood the difference between "s" sound and "sh" sound. The practice tongue twister was fun. I tried, "She sells sea shells by the sea shore." After the lesson, I took T to the city pool. He tried to teach me how swim there. My swimming skill was improved a little. What I need is to get a sense of rhythm for swimming. I made a decision to frequent the workout gym. In our dinning room, I talked with my friends a lot. Their expression was so impolite and funny. I enjoyed talking to them.
*the difference between A and B「AとBの違い」*tongue twister 「早口言葉」*shell 名「貝殻」*shore 名「海岸」*frequent 動「~を頻繁に訪れる」*workout gym 「フィットネスクラブ」*impolite 形「無礼な、失礼な」


その通りです!She sells seashells by the sea shore. 「スィ」と「シ」の違いに注意して言えますか?
日記に出てきた”tongue twister”ですが、英語の先生から、他にもいくつか教えてもらいました。練習した文章の注意点や感想なども書けるとGOODかと思います。
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." This is also what my English teacher told us. I struggled with the pronunciation of "p". 「ピーター・パイパーはたくさんの唐辛子の酢漬けを拾った。これも英語の先生が教えてくれたやつです。私はpの発音に苦労しました。」
She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 「彼女は海岸で貝殻を売ります。」
Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. 「赤いトラック、黄色いトラック、赤いトラック、黄色いトラック。」
Brown bees buzzed busily beside the bluebells. 「意味:茶色い蜂たちが、ブルーベルのそばで忙しくブンブン飛びました。」
Vivian believes violent, violet bugs have very big value. 「ビビアンは乱暴なすみれ色の昆虫には大きな価値があると信じている」
The 35th day of my stay in Australia


May 5th ーThe 35th day of my stay in Australiaー
In the first class and second class, I found it a little difficult to keep up with the English speed of the English class. It was hard for me to listen to what my English teacher was saying. I thought that I have to practice English more. In the third lesson, I enjoyed introducing my home town and listening to presentations about other students' home town.
After that, I went to the office to grab some of my staff because I almost ran out of my living-ware. I bought some laundry detergent, ham and beer. I lived from day to day.
*find it 形容詞+ to do 「〜することが形容詞と分かる」
* keep up with〜「〜に遅れずについていく」
*presentation 名「発表、提案、説明」
*go to grab〜「〜を取りに行く」
*run out of〜「〜を使い切る、使い果たす」
*almost 副「ほとんど」
*laundry detergent 名「洗濯用洗剤」
*live from day to day 「その日暮らしをする」
故郷の紹介 in Englishー京都を英語で説明しよう!ー
Kyoto is a historical city, which is located in the western region of Japan. It has a lot of historical quiet temples and shrines to see like the Golden Pavilion, the Kiyomizu temple, and Fushimi-Inari-Taisha. 「京都は西日本に位置する歴史的な街です。金閣寺や清水寺、そして伏見稲荷大社のような、歴史的で静かな寺や神社がたくさんあります。」
Kyoto is one of the most culturally cities in the world. There is a lot of places to go. We can enjoy taking pictures anywhere in the city. This is the reason why we want to visit Kyoto. 「京都は世界の中でも最も文化的な街のひとつです。行くべき場所もたくさんあります。街中どこでも写真を楽しむことができます。これが京都を訪れたくなる理由です。」

“There is”は後ろが単数でも複数でも、ネイディブが好んで使う表現のひとつです!これも便利です。There is?There are?と考える必要はありません。

