

- デートーThe 22nd day of my stay in Australiaー
- オーストラリア放浪日記22ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
- 「デート」に関係する英語表現
- 説明ーThe 23rd day of my stay in Australiaー
- makeの使い方ーThe 24th day of my stay in Australiaー
- カジュアル・フォーマルーThe 25th day of my stay in Australiaー
- フォーマルな英語表現
- ワーホリの目的ーThe 26th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 銀行で必要な英語表現ーThe 27th day of my stay in Australiaー
- “a”ーThe 28th day of my stay in Australiaー
- 最後に
デートーThe 22nd day of my stay in Australiaー

April 22nd ーThe 22nd day of my stay in Australiaー
Lee and I went on a date. We went to the Sydney downtown and ate sushi for lunch. It made me happy because I hadn't eaten sushi for a long time. After having sushi, we went to Darling Harbour. We played beanbags and bamboo stilts there. Also, we saw a small circus. We had a little break at a coffee shop after walking in the downtown. We bought coffee and and some chocolate. After that, we went to the China town. There were a lot of funny shops. I was so excited to see some Asian goods and souvenirs. We ate some Asian foods like takoyaki and and Chinese dishes. I really enjoyed going a date with Lee.

*go on a date 動「デートする」
*for a long time「長い間」
*have a break 動「休憩する」
オーストラリア放浪日記22ー過去の日記をBrush Up!!ー
Lee asked me for a date. Of course, I was happy to go on a date with her. If I had spoken English much better than now, I could've asked her for a date. 「リーは私をデートに誘いました。もちろん彼女とデートできるのは嬉しかったです。もし今よりもっと英語が話せるなら、自分から誘うこともできたのに。」
It was an awkward date because I was shy. I didn't know what to talk to her while walking. I should've prepared for dating conversation.「自分がシャイだったので、ぎこちないデートでした。歩きながら何を話せばいいかも分かりませんでした。デート用の会話を用意しておくべきでした。」


*work out the courage to ask someone out「勇気を出してデートに誘う」
*on the first date「最初のデートで」
*get a date「デートの相手を見つける」
*break a date「デートの約束をすっぽかす」
*turn down a date「デートを断る」
*dating conversation「デート用の会話」

説明ーThe 23rd day of my stay in Australiaー

April 23rdーThe 23rd day of my stay in Australiaー
I met K and had lunch at 12:00. We talked about the Easter Show and decided when and where to get together tomorrow morning.
He always gives me advice. Pupils in stage 6 at school have to try to describe many things in detail. He said to me, "You should try to do that." Actually it's hard for me to describe many things in English. I have to do it to get the ability of expression. It is important for listeners to imagine what I want to say. It can let listeners understand what I want to say with ease.
I understood why he reads a lot of English books. He reads them in order to get the ability of expression. I decided to try to write what happened to me in detail in my diary from now on.
*pupil(s) 名「生徒」 *私の通った語学学校ではpupilsという単語が好まれた気がします。
*describe 動「〜を言い表す、〜を説明する」
*in detail 「詳細に、詳しく」
*expression 名「言い回し、表現、表情」*数学で使う「式」の意味も!
それでは、過去の日記をbrush upしていきましょう。同じ表現が目立つdescribeという単語をいろいろ変えて、英語にしていきましょう!
Explanation capability is important for me to improve my English speaking skill. 「英語の話す力を向上するために説明能力が重要だ」
He reads many English books in order to get explanatory power. 「彼は説明能力を得るために英語の本をたくさん読む」
I decided to write my diary in details because I want to develop my skills of precise description. 「明確な説明力を高めたいので日記を詳細に書くことを決めた」
makeの使い方ーThe 24th day of my stay in Australiaー

オーストラリア生活24日目。Easter Showがシドニーの街を活気あふれる雰囲気にしていました。大規模なパレードにわくわくしていたのを覚えています。今回の「オーストラリア放浪日記24」に「わくわくした」という表現を”make”を使って書いていました。便利な”make”の使い方を今回のテーマにしていきます。
April 24thーThe 24th day of my stay in Australiaー
My friend and I got together at the Town Hall station at 10 am, and we went to Sydney Olympic Park to see the Easter shows. We could see a lot of processional marches on the street. It was like a Disney Land or Universal Studio parade. It was nice to see the ceremony.
I shared pizza with him for lunch. After that, we went to a shopping mall. I drank beer and had some foods in the shopping mall. We also saw Showbags, a kind of costumes of popular characters. They made me very excited.
A Japanese person came to my host family tonight. I had not expected that I would speak Japanese there. It had been quite a long time since I spoke Japanese there. We drank a bottle of plum wine together. We had a really good time.
*a processional march 名「行列行進」
*make+A+B「AをB (の状態)にさせる」
*plum wine 名「梅酒」
Some people played their instruments on the street, and others carried flags. People sang and danced to the music. It was like a parade that we could see in Tokyo Disney land. 「その通りでは、楽器を演奏する人もいれば、旗を運んでいる人もいた。人々は歌い、そして音楽に合わせて踊った。それはまるで私たちが東京ディズニーランドで見れるパレードみたいだった。」
Also, I saw some students wearing their uniforms and adults wearing their suits and ties. 「また、私は制服を着ている生徒や背広とネクタイをした大人も見た」

それでは便利過ぎる”make +A+B”を見ていきましょう。日常会話に頻出の表現です!
You always make me happy. 「君はいつも私を嬉しくするね」*素敵な友達には毎日言いたい!
He often makes his girl friend angry. 「彼はよく彼女を怒らせる」
The news made me sad. 「そのニュースは私を悲しくさせた」*ワーホリは出会いと別れが多め!
make+人・もの+動詞の原型「AにBをさせる」 *無理にさせるニュアンスがあります。
The teacher makes his students wash their hands between classes. 「先生は生徒に休み時間手を表せる」*コロナ禍の先生方、本当にお疲れ様です。
This travel magazine makes me want to go to Australia. 「この旅行雑誌はオーストラリアに行きたくさせる」
カジュアル・フォーマルーThe 25th day of my stay in Australiaー

April 25thーThe 25th day of my stay in Australiaー
I got up at 6:30 and got onto the bus at 7:20 in order to get together with my friends. Our barbecue party was going to be held today, but when I got downtown I got an e-mail. It said our barbecue was suspended until the following day because of the rain.
I decided to stay in the city because I had nothing to do. After I got the text I went to McDonalds. An old man spoke to me and showed pictures all of a sudden. They were pictures of churches and his daughter. He treated me to a cup of coffee. I got lucky.
After that, I saw a parade on George Street. Many people were there. I took a lot of pictures today.
*when I got downtown「繁華街に着いた時」*このdowntownは副詞
*be suspended 「延期される」
*the following day 「翌日」*by「翌日までに」、*until「翌日まで」*on「翌日に」
*all of a sudden 「突然」
*treat + 人 + to A 「人にAを奢る」
【カジュアルな場面】I got an e-mail.
【フォーマルな場面】I received an e-mail.


まずは”get on/onto”「〜に乗る」から。ちょっとフォーマルにしましょう。
I rode the bus at 7. 「私は7時にバスに乗りました。」
I usually board the city bus in the morning. 「私は朝たいてい市バスに乗ります。」
I reached the library. 「図書館に到着しました」
I arrived a few minutes late. 「数分遅れて到着した」
ワーホリの目的ーThe 26th day of my stay in Australiaー

April 26thーThe 26th day of my stay in Australiaー
I had a barbecue party with my friends. I made some new friends there. It was a good opportunity for me to talk with new people because their purposes to study English in Australia were different from my purpose. Talking with them stimulated me to learn English. It was nice talking to them.
The rain stopped during the barbecue party. We had a lot of meat and vegetables. They were so delicious that so many birds came to us. We were fed up with the birds.
*made some new friends 「何人か新しい友達ができた」
*opportunity 名「機会」
*purpose 名「目的」
*stimulate 動「刺激する、励ます、興奮させる」
*be different from〜「〜と異なる」
*be fed up with〜「〜にうんざりだ」
One of them said, "I've got an internship opportunity to learn about nursing in Australia. I want to be a nurse who can speak English. In the future, I want to form a volunteer group to help people in need."「私はオーストラリアで看護を学ぶためのインターンシップをする機会を得ました。私は英語を話せる看護師になりたいんです。将来は困っている人々を助けるためのボランティア団体を設立したいです。」

One of them said, "I want to found a company in the future. I want to be involved with English and Education. "「私は将来独立したいと思っています。英語と教育に関わっていたいです。」
One of them said "I have no purpose. I just want to enjoy my life. After Australia I will go around the world. " 「私は目的なしです。ただ人生を楽しみたいだけ。オーストラリアの後は世界一周するつもりです。」

銀行で必要な英語表現ーThe 27th day of my stay in Australiaー


April 27ーthe 27th day of my stay in Australiaー
I went to school at 10 a.m. I was already tired in the morning because I was too excited at the Easter show. I struggled with sleepiness during the class. Though I was sleepy all the time, I managed to follow the class because the lesson was interesting today.
After school, I went to the office to learn how to use a Westpac Bank card. I enjoyed talking with an office worker there. He taught me how to use it, so I will be able to withdraw some money from the bank whenever I want money.
Dinner was so tasty that I had another helping. I enjoyed talking with Lee while washing the dishes. After that, I made her a cup of green tea. She was never satisfied with the quantity of water I poured. She likes making fun of me.
*struggle with 動「〜と戦う」
*sleepiness 名「眠気」
*withdraw 動(他)「〜を引き抜く、引っ張り出す、(預金を)引き出す、引き落とす」動(自)「引き下がる、退場する、撤退する」
*whenever 副「〜するときはいつでも」
*helping 名「一盛り、一杯」
*be satisfied with「〜に満足する」
*quantity 名「量」
*pour 動「注ぐ」
*make fun of「〜をからかう」
Westpac is Australia’s first bank and oldest company, one of four major banking organisations in Australia and one of the largest banks in New Zealand.「ウェストパックはオーストラリアの最初の銀行で1番古い会社ですが、オーストラリアの4台主要銀行組織の1つで、ニュージーランドで最大の銀行の1つです。」
https://www.westpac.com.au/about-westpac/westpac-group/company-overview/ Westpac HPより引用
To shop and get money out with a Debit MasterCard will make my shopping more fun. 「デビット・マスターカードで買い物したりお金を引き出したりすることが、買い物をもっと楽しくするだろう」

savings | 貯めたお金、貯金 | bank account | 銀行預金口座 |
withdraw | 預金を引き出す | bank transfer fee | 銀行振込手数料 |
deposit | 預け入れ、手付金、保証金 | balance | 残高 |
“a”ーThe 28th day of my stay in Australiaー

April 28th ーThe 28th day of my stay in Australiaー When I got up this morning, I didn't feel like going out because it was raining heavily. I got a little wet on my way to the bus stop. I arrived at school at 10 am. I learned about English, and then went to the office to use a computer in order to make sure when the diving lesson would start. I had a chicken with my host family tonight. We talked about my farewell. I felt time went by quickly. Ellens gave me a white T-shirt with "Australia" printed on it. It is so cool. I did the dishes with Lee and made a cup of green tea for her. I really appreciate their kindness.
それでは今回はテーマと合わせてBrush Upしていきましょう。
結論から言うと、”I had a chicken with my host family.”は筆者も、そしてこのホストファミリーのメンバーも、もしかしたら野獣です。笑
I had chicken with my host family.
“a chicken”は「1羽のニワトリ」、上記の写真のニワトリのイメージがわきます。
